Sunday 29 August 2021

Muffin Burgers

Muffin Burgers

Serves 2

1tsp basil 
2 Sainsbury’s “be good to yourself” extra lean sausage (0.5syn each) 
2 x 60g Wholemeal Muffin (7syns each)
Sprinkle of garlic salt
Sprinkle of Aromat seasoning
* extra’s
Low fat cheese slices
Iceburg lettuce 
Tomato sliced into thin slices 
French/American mustard

Cut the sausage ends off and squeeze the meat into a glass dish, add the spices & seasoning, mix well. Wet your hands and roll half the mix into a ball then flatten to look like a “burger”. Place in a freezer for 30mins to chill.

Spray a frying pan with Fry Light and cook the burgers for 10-15 mins each side or until cooked.
Place two egg rings in a frying pan and cook an egg in each one.
Slice each muffin & toast.

Assemble each “burger” as you like it. 

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