Friday 6 August 2021




Serves 4

1.5 Syns per serving, if using oil and the bread as HEX's.

8 rashers of good quality bacon, all visible fat removed
2 medium eggs, beaten
2 tbsp. semi-skimmed milk
4 slices of bread or muffins, halved - 4xHEX's
1 tbsp. oil - 6 Syns

Grill the bacon until golden.
Meanwhile, whisk the eggs, milk and seasoning together. Dip the bread/muffins into the egg mixture, until well soaked.
Heat the oil in a large frying pan and fry the bread for 1 minute on each side until golden.
Top with the bacon and serve immediately, topped with tomato ketchup, if enough Syns available!

I have tried this using Frylight and personally think it tastes much better and crisps up more with the oil and, when all said and done, 6 Syns between 4 for such a tasty snack or breakfast isn't too bad. You may, of course, disagree so it's worth trying, just to make it Syn Free! 

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