Wednesday 18 March 2020

Chunky Sausage Casserole

Chunky Sausage Casserole

1 large onion,
8oz carrots,
1tsp dried mixed herbs,
1/2pt Bovril stock (although I used an oxo cube @ 1 sin),
12 Quorn sausages (6 sins),
500ml carton passata,
250gm pack chestnut mushrooms,
Salt & freshly ground pepper.

1. Prepare the vegetables; peel & finely chop the onion & peel and slice the carrots. Place the vegs in a large saucepan with the herbs. Add the stock, bring to boil, reduce heat, cover & simmer for about 5 mins or until vegs are just tender. Remove lid & cook for 2 mins until stock has reduced a little.
2. Preheat the grill to a hot setting and cook the Quorn sausages as per pack instructions. Remove from grill & cut into chunks.
3. Transfer the sausages to the vegetable pan and add passata. Bring to the boil, reduce heat, cover & simmer for about 5 mins. Wipe the mushrooms, cut in half & stir into the casserole along with the salt & pepper to taste. Continue to cook for 5-7 minutes until the mushrooms are tender & cooked through.

Serve immediately on warmed serving plates with green vegs.
Slimming World Sin per serving on a green day = 1.5 sins.
(Serves 4)

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