Tuesday 31 March 2020



Stew some fruit ( e.g. rhubarb, apple, apple & blackberry, Goosegogs etc) with artificial sweetener to taste, or use drained canned apricots in juice, mashed.

Put in bottom an oven proof dish. Mix together equal amounts of crushed bran flakes and porridge oats with a couple of dessertspoons sweetener (amounts would depend on dish used )

Spread 'crumble' on top of fruit, press down, spray with a little Frylight and bake in a hot oven for about 20 mins.

Good with vanilla yogurt or fresh egg custard (using sweetener)

Fruit crumble


No Count

fruit (apple, pears,blackberries ect)
50g oats
50g crushed cornflakes
20g  polenta (Dry)
Mixed spice
Place the fruit in the bottom of an ovenproof dish, mix the oats, polenta, splenda and spice together, add a splash of water and mix (just enough water to make the mix clump together)
Place the mix on top of the fruit and bake.


50g oats, 50g crushed cornflakes, 20g polenta (optional, I just htought it might make it crunchier) and I rubbed in 50g extra light soft cheese.

Baked Gas 6 about 20 mins on top of my fruit.

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