Tuesday 31 March 2020



This recipe has 1.5 points for the whole recipe to be counted.

Serves 4

1 large leek, trimmed,sliced and washed
1lb pumpkin, deseeded   and diced
4 oz mushrooms, chopped
1 tabs thyme
2 tabs chopped parsley
40z Extra Low   fat soft cheese
salt & pepper
3 sheets filo pastry
1 egg, beaten

Spray a large saucepan with frylight, add leeks and cook for about 5 mins. Add pumpkin, cover and cook until tender ( about 15 mins) stirring occasionally to avoid sticking.
Remove from heat and add mushrooms, cheese, herbs and seasoning.
Spray one sheet of filo with frylight,lay second on top spray and lay third sheet on top..
Spread the pumpkin mixture evenly over pastry leaving a border of about 1" all around.
Brush edges with beaten egg, Roll up from long side like a swiss roll.
Place on a large baking tray sprayed with frylight, brush with beaten egg and sprinkle top with salt, herbs, paprika etc to your choice.
Bake for about 1 hour ( 180c/350f/gas 4) until   golden brown and cooked through, serve hot.

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