Tuesday 31 March 2020

Liz's NoCount Oatcakes

Liz's NoCount Oatcakes
makes 8 pieces

80g medium oatmeal
10 sprays Fry-Lite
3tbsp water
Large pinch of salt

Heat oven to gas mark 5/190 deg C

Put the oatmeal and salt in a bowl and spray it with the Fry-Lite. Add the water a bit at a time to achieve a dough. You may need to add a little more or a litle less.

Roll the dough out until it's the size of a salad plate, about 8" in diameter.
Trim the rough looking edges off and cut the circle into 8 triangles. Transfer to a sprayed baking sheet with a fish slice.
Bake for 15 - 20 minutes until dry and crisp, don't let the cakes brown (it doesn't alter the flavour, they just look more authentic when pale.)

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