Tuesday 31 March 2020

Soy Marinated Pork Chops

Soy Marinated Pork Chops

(NoCount™ Recipe)

4 Servings

This dish is best left to marinate overnight before cooking. Serve with lightly steamed pak choi for a taste of the Orient.

4 medium pork loin chop, approx. 125g each, all fat removed
2 medium orange(s)
4 tablespoon soy sauce
1 serving pepper, freshly ground black

Place the pork chops in a single layer in a shallow ovenproof dish.

Squeeze the juice from one of the oranges and mix with the soy sauce. Pour over the pork and top with the remaining orange cut into wedges, cover and leave in the fridge overnight to marinate if possible but a few hours will do.

Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 4/180ºC/350ºF.

Turn the pork chops over and bake, uncovered, for 15 mins. Turn them over again, baste with the juices and bake for a further 10 mins or until cooked through.

Serve the pork chops topped with the orange wedges

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