Tuesday 31 March 2020


450 g potato(es), peeled and halved
1 1/2 medium carrot(s), halved
250 g swede, peeled and cut into large chunks
4 portion spring onions, finely sliced
1 teaspoon thyme, fresh, or 1/2 dried  
1 portion egg white, lightly beaten
1 spray low-fat cooking spray
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper

Par-boil the potatoes with the carrot and swede chunks for 10 minutes, then drain them and leave to cool.

Coarsely grate the par-boiled potatoes, carrot and swede into a large bowl and stir in the spring onions and beaten egg white. Season well.

Spray a large non-stick frying pan or griddle with low fat cooking spray. Cook batches of the rosti mixture in 12 small mounds, flattening them with a fish slice as they cook. They will need about 3 - 4 minutes on each side, so that they are golden brown. Serve at once.

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