Tuesday 31 March 2020


This is a really filling soup makes a tasty lunch !!

1 small onion(s), chopped
1 medium potatoe, peeled and chopped
half red red pepper chopped
half yellow pepper chopped
1 celery stick sliced
1 clove garlic, crushed
500 ml skimmed milk
500 ml fresh stock, fish or chicken
1/2 teaspoon thyme
175 g smoked haddock skinned and cut into chunks
50 g prawns
200 g sweetcorn, canned, undrained
1 pinch salt
1 serving pepper
1 teaspoon chopped parsley
1/2 teaspoon chilli powder, or paprika (optional)

Put the onion, potato, celery, peppers and garlic into a large saucepan with 3 tablespoons of water.
When the pan begins to sizzle, cover and cook for about 5 minutes on a low heat until the vegetables have softened.
Stir in the milk, stock, thyme and seasoning to taste. Bring to the boil and then simmer gently for 15 minutes.
Add both the fish and the sweetcorn together with the can liquid. Return to a gentle simmer and cook for another 5 minutes. Serve sprinkled with chopped parsley and dusted with a little paprika or mild chilli powder (if using).

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