Thursday 26 March 2020



As an alternative to crisps etc for dipping, try this (got the idea from an SW forum ages ago):
Preheat the oven to about 200/Gas 6. Cook a few sheets of lasagne in boiling water for about 5 mins. Spray a baking tray generously with Frylight. Sprinkle a mixture of garlic granules and herbs all over the baking tray. (or use one of those garlic grinders that tesco and asda sell, or the Italian grinder from Asda is nice too)
Drain the pasta and cut into triangles resembling doritos.
Spread the pasta triangles on the baking tray and sprinkle generously with more garlic and herbs.
Bake in the oven until the pasta goes crispy - about 20 mins I think but keep checking every 10 mins.
You can then use these to dip in one of those elf cheese mixtures above and it's free !

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