Thursday 26 March 2020


Salt and pepper Chicken

Serves 4

1pp for H&F and 7pp on Propoints for each portion

40gr flour
 teaspoon five spice
 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of white pepper

Mix and add (4 large 220g) chicken breast to cover in a little flour.  Butterfly chicken them and cube them first.
Heat oil (1 teaspoon per breast (4 in total) ) to a good  nonstick frying pan - add chicken and seal both sides and then cover and  cook for 5 mins.

(add the following for your own taste)
3 cloves of garlic
3 chopped chilli
12 spring onions
1 large white salad onion halved and sliced
rock salt to taste

add to chicken with a squirt of spray oil - cover and cook for 2 mins till onion soft

Enjoy with chopped up chinese lettuce!


2 large chicken breasts cut into bite size pieces
One egg whisked
5 tablespoons of smash
2 tsp garlic salt
2 tsp onion powder
1 tsp cayenne pepper
Dash of black pepper

Red pepper
Green chilli (deseeded if you don’t like a dish mouth burning hot)
1 onion
2 spring onions

Preheat oven to 200oC

Mix the smash and seasonings into a bowl

Dip the chicken in the egg, then roll into the seasoned smash and place on a baking tray sprayed with frylight.

Cook the chicken in the oven for 20mins or until cooked

Meanwhile in a frying pan sprayed with frylight stir fry the onion, pepper and spring onions (or any other stirfry veg of your choice) until cooked

Mix in with the chicken for the last 5 mins in the oven.

Eat and serve with any of the following:  Rice, SW Chips, Noodles or curry sauce (don’t forget to syn the curry sauce if using a powdered one)

Also don’t forget that using the Smash is technically a tweak but please don’t ask me to explain that bit.

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