Tuesday 31 March 2020



This makes enough for 1.

smoked haddock about 4 -6 oz
half small onion chopped
half a teaspoon curry powder
2 oz long grained rice
1 egg, hard boiled
chopped parsley
drop lemon juice

cover haddock with water, bring to boil and cook for about 5 mins. Take the fish out of the water but keep the water in a jug - remove skin and flake into chunks.
put the onion & curry powder into the pan with a couple of spoonfuls of water and cook for a couple of minutes, add the rice and 125 ml of the fish water . Cover, cook for 15 mins until rice is cooked and the water nearly all evaporated.
Cut egg into quarters and gently stir in fish, parsley, egg and lemon juice, check seasoning and enjoy !!!!

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