Saturday 28 March 2020



12oz (350g) mixed dried fruit
4oz (120g) Demerara sugar
4oz (120g) butter or margarine
5fl oz (150ml) water
2 tbsp rum, sherry or brandy (optional)
8oz (225g) self raising flour
1 tsp mixed spice
1 egg

Put the fruit and the water, butter and sugar in a pan, adding the rum, sherry or brandy if using.  Bring to the boil and simmer gently for 20 mins.

Allow to cool.

Meanwhile, heat the oven to 325ºF/180ºC/Gas 3 and grease and line a 6" (15cm) diameter round cake tin.

Beat the egg into the fruit mixture and fold in the flour, sifted with the spice.

Turn into the prepared tin and bake in the pre-heated oven for around 1 hr 20 mins or until firm to the touch.

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