Wednesday 25 March 2020



8oz dried chickpeas soaked for at least 48 hours (or use a tin)
1 onion finely chopped
2 cloves garlic crushed
1 level tsp cumin
1 level tsp ground coriander
1 small red chilli deseeded and finely chopped
1 tbsp chopped fresh coriander
2 tbsp chopped parsley
¼ tsp baking powder
Salt & freshly ground black pepper
Frylight for spraying

If using dried chickpeas drain and rinse well or drain and rinse tinned.
Put the drained chickpeas in a processor with the onion, garlic, cumin, coriander, chilli and herbs and process until smooth.
Stir in the baking powder and seasoning.
Transfer to a bowl and chill for an hour.
Take small pieces and shape into balls then flatten slightly.
Place on a tray sprayed with frylight and bake in a pre-heated oven at 2200C Gas mark 7 for 12-15 minutes until crisp and golden.
A bowl of low fat yoghurt flavoured with fresh mint and chopped chilli makes a good dip to go with them

From the kitchen of  MISSMARPLE

servings |  4
estimated Points® per serving | 6

400 g chick peas, drained (keep the fluid)
6 spring onions, sliced
1 fresh egg
1/2 teaspoon curcuma
1 teaspoon of cumin
1 or 2 garlic gloves
hand full of coriander leaves

Tahinisauce with it:
100 g fat free fromage frais and
24 g Tahini (sesame paste)
spiced with garlic salt, cumin, coriander and lemon juice

This sauce has total of 3,5 points.

diced cucumber, peppers, tomatoes and salad.

Make a puree out of the chick peas and the spring onions. You might need to add some of the fluid. But it should be kept quite dry. Add the rest as well as salt and pepper.

The whole recipe has 6 points and is good for 3-4 people (three without side dish)
Instead of frying them put them on a baking sheet (1 teaspoon=1 Falafel) in the oven at 180°C for about 20 minutes. Spray some oil over them before. At the end raise temperature to 250 to get them more crunchy for about 5-8 minutes.

Mix the ingredients for the Tahini sauce

I had some pitta bread with it. 1,5 points each from Lidl. Toasted it before. Cut in half. And had put a lot of veggies in there as well.

For every Pitta filled with one teaspoon of Tahini (15 g), salad and 3-4 Falafels we counted 2 points
After 3 I was full. But couldn´t resist the fourth one :o)
It was delicious!

Serve some prepared salad or rice as a side dish with it



Approx. 5 Syns for the recipe

400g drained and rinsed can os chickpeas
Half tsp. Harissa paste - negligible as it's 0.5 Syn per level tsp.
Half tsp. coriander
Half tsp. parsley
Half tsp. cumin
1 clove of garlic, crushed
Half tsp. onion salt
Half tbsp. plain flour - 1.5 Syns

Add all the ingredients to a food processor/blender and whizz until an even consistency is reached.
With floured hands, roll into small balls.

1 tbsp. plain flour - 3.5 Syns

Use this flour to roll the balls in. Now you can either place them onto a Frylight sprayed baking tray or one covered with non-stick baking parchment, spray the balls with Frylight and bake for about 25 minutes in a pre-heated oven 190C/Gas 5 OR spray a frying pan well with Frylight and cook the falafel balls over a medium heat until golden and cooked through, turning several times.




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