Thursday 26 March 2020

Traditional Spaghetti Carbonara

Traditional Spaghetti Carbonara

Serves 2

Core recipe

3 eggs beaten
200g dried spaghetti
3 rashers lean bacon - chopped and fat removed
1 tbsp olive oil

Cook spaghetti as normal.

While pasta is cooking dry fry the bacon in a large bottomed pan - (big enough for the pasta to go in when cooked)

Add a tbsp of hot pasta water to the beaten eggs.

Once pasta is done drain and add to the bacon in the big pan with the oil and mix in the pan to coat with bacon, juices and oil. (best using two forks or spaghetti tongs to keep it moving).

Turn the heat right down on the pan and add the egg mix. Mix the spaghetti until completely covered with the egg and keep turning the spaghetti until the egg is silky smooth all over the pasta - if you keep turning / mixing and you added the water to the eggs it will not scramble.  Season & serve.

If you want to use points add a bit of parmesan to the top.

Completely core and this is how the Italian mama makes real carbonara!

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