Wednesday 18 March 2020

Stuffed butternut squash

Stuffed butternut squash 

(serves 2)

1 butternut squash (any size you like as no points)
2 tsp olive oil
100g quinoa
150ml vegetable stock
1 small red pepper, deseeded and chopped
100g sweetcorn
2 tbs sunflower seeds
80g grated low fat cheddar (the WW one is ideal)
pinch of freshly grated nutmeg

Cut the squash on half, place flesh side up on baking tray. Drizzle with 1 tsp oil and bake at 200C, gas 6 until tender (45 mins.)
Cook quinoa in stock for 10-15 mins until tender and water has evaporated.
Gently cook pepper in 1 tsp oil.
Remove squash seeds and scoop out flesh without damaging skin. Mix flesh with quinoa, red pepper, sweetcorn, sunflower seeds, cheese, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Spoon back into skins and reheat in oven for 10-15 mins.
Serve with green veg or salad.

Very filling, even for a greedy gutbucket like me!

PS if you can't get quinoa (stocked in some health food shops) use rice or bulgar wheat but it won't taste as good.

I make it 6.5 points if quinoa the same points as rice - if I'm wrong, somebody please correct me!

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