Thursday 20 April 2017

Korma Cauliflower Soup

Korma Cauliflower Soup

Serves 4
Points per serving 3 

1 teaspoon polyunsaturated margarine (½pt)
2 medium onions
1 teaspoon garlic puree
1 medium cauliflower
500 g potatoes
1 pint stock made with water and
2 Oxo Vegetable Cubes
4 tbspns Pataks korma paste (5½pts)

Chop onions and fry in the marg. After 5 mins or so add the potato (cubed) and cauliflower (broken into florets). Add the garlic puree and then the pint of stock made with the oxo cubes. Add korma paste then simmer for 20 minutes. Once cooked, liquidise to make a gorgeous creamy soup!


To make this no count, use frylight instead of margarine and use curry powder instead of curry paste, but add the curry powder with the onions to give it a chance to cook out.

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