Friday 21 April 2017

Baked Salmon in Salt Dough

Baked Salmon in Salt Dough

A Traditional German dish, you won't believe how good this actually tastes.  The salt dough lets the salmon cook very gently so it's full of flavour.  Don't eat the dough though......therefore no points to count for it!

Core recipe
Points....count 3 pts per 100g cooked salmon eaten.

For the salt dough

600g cooking salt
600g plain flour
3 eggs, beaten
225ml water
1 egg for brushing

1 x 1.5kg (3lb 5oz) salmon, scales, gutted & trimmed
1 lemon sliced
2 bunches dill, roughly chopped

Place salt, flour, eggs and water into food processor and process until smooth.  Form into a ball, wrap in cling film and place in fridge for 1 hour.

Preheat oven to Gas 8/230ºC/450ºF

Remove dough from fridge and roll out on a lightly floured surface to ½" (1.3cm) thick slightly longer than the salmon and at least twice the width.   Salt the cavity of the salmon then fill with lemon slices and half the dill.  Place salmon onto the dough and top with remaining dill.  Fold dough over to enclose the salmon completely, tucking edges underneath.  decorate with trimmings and carefully transfer to a baking sheet.  Brush with beaten egg and then bake for 40 mins.

Remove from oven, transfer to a serving plat.  Using a serrated knife, remove top of dough, peel skin off the salmon and cut into portions to serve.

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