Friday 21 April 2017

Braised Chicken with Mushroom & Lemon Sauce

Braised Chicken with Mushroom & Lemon Sauce

Serves 4

Core recipe
Points plan 2½ pts per serving

4 skinned, boned chicken breasts about 125g each
salt and black pepper
juice of 2 lemons
150g mushrooms, quartered
125ml chicken stock
1 tbsp chopped fresh thyme (or marjoram)
6 spring onions, finely chopped

Heat large flameproof casserole (large enough to hold chicken breasts in a single layer).  Spray with frylight and add chicken and brown all over.  Season chicken with salt and pepper then add the lemon juice, mushrooms and stock.  Cover and bring to the boil, then lower the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally for 20 minutes or until chicken juices run clear.  Add a little more stock or water if the liquid is evaporating too quickly, there should be some liquid left when the chicken is cooked.

Remove the chicken from the casserole and keep warm.  Boil the remaining cooking liquid until it thickens slightly.  Stir in the chopped thyme/marjoram and spring onions and adjust the seasoning.  Serve the chicken, spoon over the mushroom sauce and garnish with sprigs of thyme.

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