Friday 21 April 2017

Baked Chicken

Baked Chicken

Core: count 1½ pts for parmesan
Points: 6½ pts per serving

For each portion

1 chicken breast
1 tbsp parmesan cheese (1½pts)
1 small tin chopped tomatoes
dried mixed herbs and black pepper
225g jacket potato

Cut potato into chips and par boil for 5 minutes until beginning to soften.

In a bowl, mix the tomatoes with the herbs and seasoning (add peppers/mushrooms/other free veggies if desired). 

Place chicken breast in ovenproof dish and pour over tomato sauce.  Sprinkle over parmesan cheese.  Top with chips.

Put into oven 200ºc, Gas 6 for about 30-35 minutes until chicken is cooked and potatoes are nice and brown.

Serve with green veggies

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