Friday 21 April 2017

Creamy Turkey pasta

Creamy Turkey pasta

Serves 4

Core recipe

450g turkey stir fry strips
100g lean back bacon, chopped
1 medium onion, peeled and sliced
100g mushrooms, wiped and sliced
2 tbsp grated lemon rind
175g Quark (or a mixture of fat free fromage frais & Quark)
2tbsp freshly chopped basil
225g (raw weight)  pasta, cooked 

Heat a non-stick pan and spray with frylight.  Fry turkey until cooked through.  Add onion and bacon and continue to cook for 3 minutes, stirring frequently.  Add mushrooms and lemon rind and cook, stirring, for another 3 minutes.  Stir in Quark, season well and cook for a further minute.  Sprinkle on basil and stir in cooked pasta, heating through for a further minute until piping hot.  Serve immediately.

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