Friday 21 April 2017

Creamy Pasta with Smoked Haddock & Dill

Creamy Pasta with Smoked Haddock & Dill

Serves 4
Core recipe

350g smoked haddock fillets
50ml skimmed milk
300g dried pasta shapes
2 x 150g pots Total 0% greek yogurt
small bunch fresh dill, chopped

Place fish in shallow bowl and add milk.  Cover with clingfilm.  Pierce film and microwave for 5 minutes or until the fish flakes when pushed gently with finger.  Flake fish and reserve cooking liquor.

At the same time, cook pasta in boiling water until al dente, then drain.  Add the yogurt and fish liquor to the pasta and toss until evenly coated.  Add fish and dill.  Taste, season and serve in warm bowls.

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