Friday 21 April 2017

Thai fishcakes with sweet chilli dip

Thai fishcakes with sweet chilli dip

Serves 4

2 points/serving points plan

Core: Look out for Thai Taste curry pastes as these are oil free and therefore core.  Otherwise curry paste is 1½ pts per tbsp.  Count 1 pt for the sugar in the dipping sauce or use sweetener.

300g cod fillets
100g frozen cooked prawns, thawed
1tbsp red or green curry paste
2 dried Kaffir lime leaves, soaked in 2tbsp boiling water for 10 minutes, then chopped finely (or the zest of a small lemon)
small bunch of fresh coriander
100g green beans, thawed if frozen, chopped into fine rings
1tsp salt
low fat cooking spray

Sweet chilli dipping sauce
1 small cucumber, quartered lengthways
1 small chilli, deseeded and sliced finely
2tsp caster sugar
3tbsp rice vinegar (or white wine vinegar)
coriander leaves, to garnish

Put the fish, curry paste, lime leaves and coriander in a food processor and chop to a fine paste, then ad the beans and salt and pulse to mix in.  Transfer to a clean bowl, cover with clingfilm and refrigerate for up to an hour (although 10 minutes will do).

Meanwhile, to make the dip, finely slice the cucumber and put in a bowl with the chilli.  Combine the sugar, vinegar and 1tbsp water in a saucepan and heat until the sugar has dissolved.  Leave to cool, then pour over the cucumber.  Spoon into little dipping bowls and garnish with coriander leaves.

Lightly oil your hands to stop the fishcake mixture sticking to them, then take a tbsp of the fish mixture at a time and shape into a small patty.  Heat a frying pan and spray with the low fat cooking spray then fry the fishcakes, a few at a time, for 5 minutes on each side until golden and cooked through.  Lift out with a fish slice, keep warm whilst you cook the remaining ones.  Serve with the dipping sauce.

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