Friday 21 April 2017

Chicken korma

Chicken korma

Makes 4 servings

6 large onions
5 cloves of garlic
tbsp of grated fresh root ginger
2 tins of tomatoes
6 large carrots
1 tsp of salt
½ tsp of garam masala
2 tsp of tumeric
1 tsp of ground cumin
1 fresh red chilli
4 chicken breasts skinless & boneless
2 large punnets of mushrooms
1 large pot of very low fat natural yoghurt
1 pot of very low fat fromage frais

Chop onions and fry in a large non-stick pan with 300 mls of water to
prevent sticking. Cook until water has evaporated and onions are soft
(around 10 minutes).
Add crushed garlic and ginger and cook for further 2 minutes, stirring
constantly so that garlic does not burn. Add tomatoes, very finely chopped carrots, chilli and spices. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes.
Allow cooling for 5 minutes and then blending mixture until smooth.
Add cubed chicken and chopped mushrooms and cook for 20 minutes until the chicken is cooked.
Allow to cool for 5 minutes and stir in yoghurt and fromage frais.

Another version

Chicken korma 
Another community recipe.  Recalculate for your plan as this is Original Points

From the kitchen of  SLIMHEALTHY

Serves 1

Points per serving 7
Few spays olive oil spray
1 onion finely chopped
1 clove garlic-crushed
1 med chicken breast-diced
1 tablespoon korma powder
1 tablespoon plain flour
2 teaspoons cinnamon powder
1/4 pint chicken stock
salt & pepper
125g Tesco half fat bio yogurt
2oz basmati rice

Lightly fry the onion and garlic until soft. Add the chicken and cook until chicken has coloured. Add the korma and flour and stir to coat chicken. Then add the cinnamon and stir for about 1 min. Add salt & pepper. Gently add the stock stirring at all times until it thickens. (Don't let it get watery). Once it's thickened, add the mushrooms and simmer for about 10 mins (remember to stir). Meanwhile cook the rice (basmati takes about 8 mins). Once chicken has cooked, stir in the yoghurt and serve on the rice.

This dish is also great with prawns instead of the chicken (especially tiger prawns). Substitute the chicken stock with fish stock and reduce the cooking time just so to heat the prawns through. 

Another version:

Chicken Korma

Serves 4
Points 5 per serving
Core : count 1pt the whole recipe for sultanas or omit

1 spray low-fat cooking spray
2 medium onion(s), chopped
1 medium apple(s), chopped
4 teaspoon curry powder, mild
450 g skinless chicken breast, uncooked, boneless, cut into chunks
1 stock cube, (make 1/2 pint)
25 g sultana(s)
1 tablespoon tomato puree
125 g dried rice, basmati
1 medium banana(s)
8 tablespoon natural low-fat yogurt, plain
1 pinch salt
1 serving pepper, freshly ground, black
4 sprig fresh coriander, (to garnish)

Mist a large saucepan with spray cooking oil. Sauté onions and apple for 3-4 minutes. Stir in curry powder.

Add chicken. Cook, stirring, for 2-3 minutes, until sealed all over.

Add chicken stock, sultanas and tomato puree. Bring to the boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer gently for about 40 minutes.

Twelve minutes before end of cooking time, put rice on to cook in plenty of lightly salted boiling water.

Just before serving, add sliced banana, chopped coriander and 4 tablespoons of yogurt to the curry. Season. Cook for 2 minutes.

Serve curry with hot cooked rice, adding one tablespoon of yogurt to each portion. Garnish with coriander.



Serves 1

Points per serving 5

Freezing not recommended


low fat cooking spray

1 medium onion, sliced thinly

1 chicken breast,(about 150g) cubed

1 garlic clove, crushed

2.5cm (1") piece fresh root ginger, grated

½ cinnamon stick

2 cardamom pods, crushed slightly

½ tsp cumin seeds

½ tsp mild chilli powder

½ tsp turmeric

50ml 0% fat Greek Yogurt

100ml low fat plain bio yogurt

1 tbsp ground almonds

3 tbsp skimmed milk

salt & pepper

coriander sprigs to garnish (optional)


Heat a non-stick pan and spray with the cooking spray.  Stir fry the onion for about 5 mins until soft.

Add the chicken pieces and cook for 5 mins or until brown on all sides.

Add the rest of the ingredients except the skimmed milk.  G+Heat gently until simmering, then cover with a tight-fitting lid and cook for 15mins.

Remove lid and cook for a few minutes more to concentrate the sauce, then add the milk and stir well to mix.

Season to taste, garnish and serve.

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