Friday 21 April 2017

Plaice with Orange & Leeks

Plaice with Orange & Leeks

Serves 4

2½ pts per serving
Core recipe

1 tbsp olive oil
350g leeks, cut into matchsticks
2 oranges, peeled & segmented, reserving any juice
1 tsp chopped fresh rosemary
salt & pepper
4 plaice fillets, skinned

Heat oil and cook leeks for 1 min until slightly softened. Place in an ovenproof dish.  Strew orange segments on top, sprinkle over roasemary and seasoning.

Roll plaice fillets up and arrange on top of leek mixture.  Pour over reserved orange juice.  Cover and bake at Gas 6/200ºC/400ºF for 10 mins or until the fish is cooked through.

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