Friday 21 April 2017

Chinese Plaice Rolls

Chinese Plaice Rolls

Plaice has a delicate texture and flavour which steaming preserves.  This recipe is delicious, colourful and very low in fat.

Serves 2

Core recipe

Points plan 3½ pts per serving

4 plaice fillets, skinned if you prefer
6 spring onions, trimmed
2 tsp grated fresh ginger
2 tsp soy sauce
freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp sesame or olive oil
1 large carrot
50g Chinese leaves

Put the plaice, skin or skinned side up on the work surface.  Finely chop 2 of the spring onions and mix with the ginger, soy sauce and pepper.

Spoon some of this mixture onto each fillet, roll up from the head end and place in a steamer over a pan of boiling water.  (If you don't have a stea\mer, put a plate over a pan of boiling water and cover the food with a well-fitting lid or foil.)  Sprinkle with the oil and remaining spring onions, cut into strips lengthways.  Cover steamer and cook for 5 mins.

Meanwhile, take shavings off the carrot with a potato peeler and cut the chinese leaves into thin shreds.  Place carrot shavings and leaves on top of the fish after 5 mins and steam for another 5 mins.

Carefully lift out the veg onto plates and top with the plaice rolls.

Serve with brown rice or boiled new potatoes.

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