Thursday 13 April 2017

Cranberry & Almond Cookies

Cranberry & Almond Cookies

Makes 16

Points per serving: 1½
Points per recipe: 21

100g clear honey
50g low fat polyunsaturated magarine
60g dried cranberries
15g flaked almonds
80g porridge oats
80g self raising flour

Preheat the oven to gas mark 4/180oC/fan oven 160oC

Measure the honey and margerine into a small pan and heat gently until melted.

Mix the cranberrues, almonds, porridge oats and flour together in abowl, then pour in the honey mixture. Stir to bring together.

Spoon on to a baking tray lightly greased with low fat cooking spray, in 16 moulds. Flatten slightly with the back of a spoon.

Bake for 10mins until set and golden brown, then cool on a wire rack.

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