Sunday 29 August 2021



Serves 2

Syn Free, if using the Parmesan as a HEX.

2 aubergines, halved lengthways (leave the stem on)
1 onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 thyme sprig, leaves picked
400g can chopped tomatoes
400g can cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
25g Parmesan, grated

Heat oven to 220C/gas 7.
Using the tip of a knife, score the cut side of the aubergines with a criss-cross pattern. Place in a roasting tin or dish, where the aubergines will fit snugly.
Spray liberally with Frylight, season and bake for 30 minutes or until tender.
Meanwhile, spray a frying pan with Frylight. Add the onion and garlic and cook for about 8 minutes or until soft.
Add the thyme leaves, tomatoes, beans and half a can of water. Simmer for about 10 minutes or until thickened, then season.
Spoon the bean mixture under and around the aubergine halves.
Scatter with the Parmesan and bake for 10 minutes more until golden.



Serves 4

Approx. 0.5 Syn per serving, if using the cheese as part HEX's.

8 Syn Free SW sausages
6 cooked potatoes, sliced 
350g cooked, sliced leeks (could use broccoli or cabbage)
1 tbsp. creamed horseradish sauce - 1.5 Syns per level tbsp. (more if you want to heat things up a bit but don't forget to Syn it)
100g mature, grated Cheddar cheese 

Heat a large based pan and dry-fry the sausages until well browned (or grill them, like I do).
Remove the sausages and slice them diagonally and set aside.
Spray the pan with Frylight and turn the heat to high, then add the potatoes and leeks and give them a good stir. Continue to cook until the potatoes begin to brown and turn crisp.
Put the sausage slices back in, along with the horseradish and heat for a further 2-3 minutes. 
Take the pan off the heat, sprinkle in the cheese, season well and stir to combine.




Serves 4

0.5 Syns per serving, unless using more Madras paste. Could get round this by using some Madras curry powder instead.

1 onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 tbsp. Madras curry paste - 2 Syns (add more if needed but remember to Syn accordingly)
450g cooked chicken, cut into bite-sized pieces
300g veg, cut into bite-sized pieces. Could cook before adding, if preferred. Maybe use red peppers, cauli, green beans, carrots, etc.
400g can of chopped tomatoes
FF coconut or natural yoghurt to add at the end, if required. May have to Syn the coconut one, depending on which you use.

Spray a large frying pan with Frylight and heat. Cook the onion and garlic over a medium heat until golden.
Add the curry paste and cook for one minute.
Add the tomatoes and 200ml of water. Bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
Add the veg and cook until tender. Stir in the chicken and season with salt and black pepper. Simmer gently until piping hot.

Add extra curry paste, if you like and, if using yoghurt, remove from the heat and stir through. Lovely served with rice.




Serves 4

Syns per serving - 0.5

1 teaspoon lemon juice
4 tbsp. Hellman's Lighter Than Light Mayo - 2 Syns
1 teaspoon crushed garlic
4 salmon fillets
250g cherry tomatoes

Mix the lemon juice with the garlic and mayo.
Brush over the salmon and cherry tomatoes.
Place in an ovenproof dish and bake at 170C/gas 5 for 15 minutes.

Lovely with new potatoes, wholegrain rice, salad, couscous 



Serves 4

Syns per serving - approx. 0.5, if using the cheese as part of your HEX.

500g new potatoes, scrubbed and sliced into rounds
6 rashers of bacon, all visible fat removed and cut into bite sized pieces
6 large eggs, beaten
100ml semi-skimmed milk - 2.5 Syns
200g baby spinach
4 Spring onions, chopped
50g grated mature Cheddar

In a large pan of boiling water, cook the sliced potatoes for 5-10 minutes or until just tender.
Meanwhile, heat a 22cm frying pan, one with a lid or could use tin foil to cover, and cook the bacon pieces for 5 minutes until starting to brown. Place in a large bowl.
Put the beaten eggs, milk, spinach, spring onions and cooked potato in the bowl with the bacon and stir to combine.
Pour the mixture into the frying pan, cover with the lid and cook over a low/medium heat for about 10 minutes. Preheat the grill to medium. 
Remove from the heat and scatter the grated cheese over the top.
Put under the grill and cook for 10 minutes until set and golden.

Serve with a huge salad or, if you're really hungry, with SW wedges as well! 



Serves 2

2.5 Syns per serving

1 tsp of Chinese 5 Spice Powder
2 gammon steaks with all visible fat removed
1 red chilli, finely chopped
1 small/medium orange, zested and juiced
2 level tbsp. of clear honey - 5 Syns 
Half a teaspoon soy sauce

Sprinkle the 5 spice over the steaks.
Lightly Frylight a large frying pan and cook the steaks over a high heat for one minute each side or until the edges are just turning brown.
Add the chilli, orange juice and zest and also the honey and soy sauce. Simmer rapidly until the sauce is sticky and the gammon is glazed and golden.

Serve immediately with any pan juices poured over. 



500g mince 
Your favorite bolognaise sauce
75g rice per person

Make up your bolognaise sauce as normal, make it quite a strong tomato flavour as the rice absorbs the mixture.
Boil your rice for a couple of mins and add to the mixture, mix in the 2 eggs and pour in baking dish.
Bake for about 50-1hr at 160.
Sprinkle with parmesan if required.

This was really nice and so filling. I had loads of sauce so used about 450g rice and that would feed probably 5-6. I added lots of peppers and mushrooms as well oh and make sure you don’t boil rice too long otherwise it goes a bit mushy 



Serves 6

5.5 Syns per whole recipe so practically 1 Syn per portion.

Butter Frylight - suppose any would do though really
4 tbsp. sweetener or to taste
4 eggs, separated
30g corn-flour - 5.5 Syns
250g Quark
Finely grated zest of 1 lime and 1 small orange

Preheat the oven to 190C/gas 5
Spray six 7fl oz soufflé dishes with the Frylight, then sprinkle them all using 1 tbsp. of sweetener, in total.
Put the egg yolks, 1 tbsp. sweetener and the corn-flour in a bowl and whisk until creamy. Best to sieve the corn-flour in.
Add the Quark and zests and whisk again until well mixed.
In a clean bowl, whisk the egg whites until stiff. Gradually whisk in the rest of the sweetener.
Carefully fold the whisked egg whites into the Quark mixture.

Spoon into the dishes and put on a baking tray. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until well risen and golden. 




Serves 2.

2 Syns per serving.

300g sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into chip or wedge shapes
2 rib eye steaks, fat removed
2 level tbsp maple syrup - Basic Maple Syrup and Tesco Maple Syrup are both 2 Syns per level tbsp.
1 tsp prepared chilli

Preheat the oven to 200C/gas 6. Boil the sweet potatoes in salted water for 5 minutes, then drain, dry off with kitchen roll or a clean t-towel and place on a baking tray, sprayed with Frylight. Spray the potato with the Frylight then bake for about 25 minutes.
Remove the fat from the steak and place in a dish. Mix together the maple syrup and chilli and spread it evenly over both steaks.
Preheat a non-stick frying pan until hot. Season the steak on both sides with black pepper and add to the pan.
Cook for one and a half minutes, pressing the steak into the base of the pan with a spatula. Turn over and repeat on the other side.
Turn over again and cook for 1-2 minutes , turn again and cook for another minute, longer if not cooked to your liking.




Serves 6.

Pratically Syn Free.

450g sweet potatoes, peeled and diced
270g grated courgettes
4 spring onions, chopped
1 tbsp Jalapeno relish - 1 level tbsp = 1 Syn. Could obviously add a bit more.
100g mushrooms, finely chopped
1 tbsp freshly chopped herbs

Boil the sweet potatoes in a pan of salted water until just cooked. Shouldn't take long at all. Drain well then mash.
Season with black pepper and mix in the courgettes, onions, mushrooms and herbs. Allow to cool then shape into 6 burger shapes.
Re-heat the burgers by frying in a frying pan sprayed with Frylight for 8-10 minutes, turning occasionally, until hot.

Could serve in toasted bread buns - 60g as a HEX - spread with some Synned mayo and garnish with rocket and jalapeno relish, taken from the Synned tbsp. 



(Sounds bizarre, I know but it's really tasty!)

Serves 4

Syn Free, if using the cheese as a HEX.

220g wholewheat dried pasta
1 medium sized onion, finely chopped
425g pilchards in tomato sauce - could use sardines
400g can of chopped tomatoes
90g frozen peas
90g mature Cheddar cheese, grated

Cook the pasta, according to pack instructions.
Meanwhile, spray a frying pan with Frylight and cook the onion until softened.
Add the fish, tomatoes, 4 tbsp. of water, some pepper and mixed herbs and the frozen peas.
Bring to the boil and simmer, uncovered for about 10 minutes.
Stir in the drained pasta and transfer to a heated ovenproof dish.
Sprinkle with the grated cheese and brown under a warm grill.

Serve with whatever veg you fancy (we quite often have it with broccoli) and maybe some SW wedges. 




serves 1.

Syns depend on how much chorizo used at 4.5 Syns per 50g

Half a small onion, chopped (could cheat and throw in some chopped, frozen onion - I use these loads!)
About 20g chorizo, diced
Half a mug of long grain rice
1 veggie or chicken stock cube
Half a mug of frozen peas
1 medium egg

Frylight the onion until soft in a medium pan with a lid. (or put in a covered dish in the microwave with 1 tsp. water and cook on High for 3 mins. Drain and add to the pan.)
Tip in the chorizo and sizzle until browned.
Add the rice and stir, then pour a mug of boiling water into the pan. Crumble in the stock cube and stir.
Turn the heat down until gently bubbling, put on lid and cook for 15 mins, stirring occasionally.
Stir in peas and cook for a further 5 mins with the lid on or until the liquid is practically absorbed.

Beat the egg and season. Turn the heat up under the pan, drop the egg in and stir quickly until the egg has just cooked through. 



Serves 4 

3.5 Syns for the whole recipe so, roughly, 1 Syn per serving

1 tbsp. plus 1 tsp. wholegrain Dijon mustard - 2 Syns
Sprig of rosemary - could use dried, I suppose
Quarter tsp. each of salt and black pepper
4 halved, skinless chicken breasts
3 tbsp. Lighter Than Light Mayo - 1.5 Syns

Pre-heat the grill.

Combine 1 tsp. of the mustard, some finely chopped rosemary and the salt and pepper in a small bowl. Spray the chicken with Frylight and brush the mixture evenly over each piece.
Spray the chicken again and grill for approx. 6 mins each side or until cooked through.
While the chicken is cooking, combine the remaining mustard, the mayo and 1 tbsp. water in a small bowl.
Serve the mustard cream alongside the chicken and enjoy with any sides you feel like!

I have also used this cream with steaks and it is yummy!  




Serves 4 smallish portions OR, if you're ravenous, serves 2 

Between 2 it works out at 2.5 Syns per portion, for the chorizo

1 onion, sliced
1 red and 1 green pepper, sliced
50g chorizo, diced
2 cloves of garlic
250g easy-cook Basmati rice (If using wholegrain you'll have to increase the cooking time)
400g chopped tomatoes
200g prawns

Pre-heat the oven to 200c/gas mk 6
Tip the onion, peppers, chorizo and crushed garlic into an ovenproof dish and spray with Frylight. Roast in oven for 15 minutes.
Stir in the rice, tomatoes and 500ml chicken or veg stock.
Add black pepper (I never add salt because of the chorizo but that's down to personal taste) and some smoked paprika or chilli flakes, if wanting more of a kick.
Bake, covered, for another 20 mins, stirring occasionally and checking if anymore liquid needs to be added.
Three minutes before the cooking time is up, stir through the prawns.

I have sometimes added chicken pieces too or substituted peas, if I have no peppers in. 



makes about 8.

5 Syns for all the cookies, if using the oats as your HEX

1 large ripe banana - 100g
35g quick-cook porridge oats

Spray a baking tray with Frylight or line with non-stick baking paper.
Mash the banana in a bowl with a fork. If you're following the plan to the letter, this is where the 5 Syns come in - still can't get my head round that really! 

Mix in the porridge oats (and some sweetener, if you like things a bit sweeter) and blob onto the baking tray. Sometimes I add some cinnamon at this point.
Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180C/gas mk. 4 on the middle shelf for approx. 15 mins.
Allow to cool on the tray, although they do taste really yummy when they are slightly warm




 Serves 6

Syn Free

6 skinless chicken breasts or thighs
1 large onion, chopped
2 tbsp. curry powder - strength to suit taste
350g easy-cook wholegrain rice
700ml chicken or veg stock
250g frozen peas

Pre-heat oven to 200C/gas mk 6
Frylight a pan, preferably one that can go in oven to save on washing up!
Cook chicken for about 10 mins or until browned off all over.
Add onion and cook for a further 5 mins.
Stir in curry powder and cook for another minute. Stir in rice and stock and bring to the boil.
Cover and bake for 30 mins or until all liquid is absorbed and the rice is cooked through.
Stir in the peas and allow to stand for about 3 mins while they cook through.

This recipe tastes lovely when cold too so would be good for lunch the next day.
I usually serve with a side of broccoli or other green veg.




Serves 1

Syn Free as long as you use the Mozzarella as a HEX

Skinless chicken breast
BGTY Mozzarella cheese HEX
Red pepper
Fresh basil

Preheat oven to Gas Mk 5
Make a slit in the chicken breast and stuff with the Mozzarella, sliced pepper and some fresh basil.
Spray a baking tray with Frylight before placing the chicken breast(s) onto it and spray them with Frylight.
Cook for about 25 mins or until chicken is cooked through.
Could serve with a jacket potato and side salad or SW chips




Serves 4

Syn Free

1 onion, chopped
6 rashers of bacon, visible fat removed
300g risotto or Arborio rice
100g frozen peas
700ml vegetable stock

Spray a large pan with Frylight and cook the onion until starting to soften.
Add the bacon until cooked through.
Add the rice and stock.
Cover, bring to the boil and simmer for 15-20 minutes or until the rice has absorbed most of the liquid.
Stir in the peas and cook for a further 5 minutes.
Season with black pepper and maybe a little salt (careful because of the bacon)

Could sprinkle with a HEX cheese. 



Syn Free

400g can of chickpeas
1 large garlic clove
2 roasted red peppers
Half a tbsp. lemon juice
Half a teaspoon of chilli powder

Rinse and drain the chickpeas, then tip in food processor.
Peel the garlic and crush in with the chickpeas, along with plenty of salt and pepper. Whizz briefly.
Add peppers to the processor with the lemon juice and chilli. Whizz again until really smooth.
Taste and add extra seasoning and chilli for more of a kick, if you like.

Great with sticks of raw veg 




Serves 2

Syn Free if using cheese as your HEX's

100g baby spinach leaves
4 slices of lean ham
4 free range eggs
4 tbsp. Quark
2 HEX's cheese of your choice

Put the spinach in a large colander and stand it in the sink. Pour over boiling water until all the leaves have wilted. Shake well to drain.
Pre-heat the grill to medium. Line two small, shallow ovenproof dishes with the slices of ham. 
Spread the spinach evenly over the ham and season with a little salt and as much black pepper as you fancy.
Crack in the eggs and dot over the Quark.
Sprinkle with the cheese and put under the grill for 10-12 minutes, or until the cheese is golden and the eggs are cooked.
Could serve with a HEX bread allowance.



Serves 4

Syn Free if you use a HEX serving of cheese

4 skinless chicken breast fillets
10g pack of fresh tarragon
150g Quark
3 vine-ripened tomatoes
4 HEX's of cheese

Pre-heat the oven to 200C/gas 6. Make a slit down the centre of each chicken breast with a sharp knife but don't cut all the way through. Put the chicken on a baking tray which has been sprayed with Frylight.
Save 4 sprigs of tarragon but chop the rest of the leaves and mix into the Quark, along with 4 HEX's of cheese and plenty of black pepper. Spoon into the pockets in the chicken breasts.
Slice the tomatoes and place over the cheese-filled pockets. Put a sprig of tarragon on each and spray with Frylight.
Season and bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes until the chicken is cooked but still moist.
If serving cold, pour off the juices otherwise they will set to a jelly once cold.
If you don't want such a cheesy filling, just maybe use half of the HEX's.

We have had this both hot and cold and it is delicious either way. Hot, we had it with garlicky roasties and lots of lovely veg and cold, we had it with an enormous, colourful side salad and SW potato salad.  



2 generous servings

Syn Free

1 x 700g butternut squash
2 red onions
2 garlic cloves, sliced
175g wholewheat penne pasta
3 rounded tbsp. FF fromage frais or quark

Pre-heat the oven to 200C/gas 6. 
Peel (easier when slashed and microwaved for 3 mins first) and deseed the squash, then cut into mouthful-sized pieces and tip into a roasting tin.
Peel the onions, cut into wedges and put in the tin. Add the garlic to the tin and spray with Frylight. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, then toss together.
Roast for 30-35 mins, respraying if necessary, until everything has browned.
Meanwhile, cook the pasta in a large pan of boiling salted water, following the timings given on the packet. Drain the pasta, reserving 4 tbsp. of the cooking water.
Remove the tin from the oven and add the cooking water and fromage frais/quark, stirring everything together. 
Tip in the pasta and toss well. Serve with a HEX A of cheese, if desired.

Curried Lentil soup for slow cooker

Curried Lentil soup for slow cooker


Serves 1 -- 0.5 sin on SW Green Day


3oz red lentils

1 small onion chopped

2 carrots peeled and chopped

1 medium potato peeled and chopped

1 tablespoon tomato puree [ 0.5 sin]

1 teaspoon cumin

13 fluid oz chicken stock ( made with chicken bovril from jar)


Put all ingredients into slow cooker.

Cook for 8-10 hours. 

Sin Free "Mayonnaise"


Sin Free "Mayonnaise"

1 egg yolk
2 tbsp. white wine vinegar (you can use flavoured - tarragon vinegar is good with fish)
Candarel to taste
pepper & salt to taste
2 tbsp. very low fat plain yoghurt or fromage frais

Blend it together well and chill.

Sin free on both SW plans.

Fromage Frais Dip

Fromage Frais Dip

I'm always making this as a dip and I quite often use a few spoonfuls on top of my dinner - its quite nice on cous cous.

Tub of very low fat natural fromage frais



Half a lemon

some paprika (how much depends on your taste I usually put about 3/4 of a teaspoon)

Just stir it all up together.

Free both days and lovely 

Spicy szechuan turkey mince with green beans

Spicy szechuan turkey mince with green beans


Point 21 per recipe


Serves 4

A quick turkey stir-fry with spicy Chinese flavours and tender green beans, served with brown rice.


Brown Rice, dry 200 g    19

Olive Oil 2 teaspoons

Green Beans 300 g, trimmed 0

Turkey Breast Mince, raw 500 g 0

Garlic 3 clove(s), finely chopped 0

Root Ginger 15 g, peeled and finely chopped 0

Chilli, Green or Red 1individual, deseeded and chopped 0

Knorr 3 Peppercorn Flavour Pot 1 g, 1/4 tsp Szechuan peppercorns, crushed

Spring Onions 100 g, chopped 0

Blue Dragon Light Soy Sauce 2 tbsp     1

Rice Wine Vinegar 2 tablespoons 0

Light Brown Sugar 1teaspoons    1

Chilli Sauce 1tablespoons, or chilli paste


Cook the rice to pack instructions, then drain and set aside.


Meanwhile, heat the oil in a pan over a high heat, add the beans and cook for 3 minutes, then add the turkey mince. Cook for a further 5 minutes or until the mince is cooked through.


Stir in the garlic, ginger, chilli, Szechuan peppercorns and half the spring onions, and continue to cook for a further 2 minutes. Add the soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, sugar and chilli sauce, and cook for 3-4 minutes.


Remove from the heat, stir in the remaining spring onions and serve with the rice.



Harissa sausage traybake


Harissa sausage traybake

7 Smartpoints value per serving

serves 4

cook time 45 minutes


Super simple and quick to pull together, this tasty traybake makes the perfect all-in-one supper for those busy weeknights.


620 g new potatoes, quartered

200g mixed Cherry tomatoes. halved

2 red onions. Cut into wedges

4 garlic cloves. unpeeled

8 reduced.fat Cumberland sausages

2 tbsp Harissa paste

½  tablespoon oil            

I red and yellow pepper, both deseeded and roughly chopped

2 tablespoons roughly chopped fresh coriander.

Lemon wedges to serve


1   Preheat the oven to 200'C. fan 180’C. gas mark 6. Put the potatoes, tomatoes onions, garlic, sausages. harissa paste, olive oil and peppers in large roasting and toss to combine. Season to taste and bake 35-40 minutes. stirring halfway through. until the potatoes are and tender and the sausages are cooked through.

2   Serve with the coriander scattered over and with the lemon wedges.

Peanut Hottie Cheesecake

Peanut Hottie Cheesecake

Serves 8

2 syns per slices


250 g fromage frais

500 g quark (or more fromage frais)

3 eggs

6 tbsp Canderel

40 g peanut hottie powder

25 g chocolate chips


Lightly beat the eggs and then mix in the fromage frais and quark.  Beat in the canderel and peanut hottie powder until smooth.

Line a springform cake tin and spray with fry light. Bake in a preheated oven at 150 ‘c for 45 min. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Then sprinkle chocolate chips over the top. Refrigerate for 4-6 hours to allow to set properly.


Mince Pie Piewheels


Mince Pie Piewheels

375 g ready-rolled puff pastry

120 g mincemeat

Finely grated zest of 2 clementines

½ tsp icing sugar


Unroll the pastry and cut in half to create 2 rectangles, approximately 18 cm x 23 cm (7” and 9” inches)


Place one rectangles of pastry on a large piece of clingfilm. Spread half of the mincemeat in a thin layer over the pastry, right up to the edges, and scatter over half the zest. Starting at one of the long edges, roll the pastry up into a tight cylinder. Wrap tightly in the clingfilm.


Repeat with the remaining pastry, mincemeat and zest. Place the two pastry cylinder in the freezer for 30 min. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to Gas 6/ 200’C/ Fan oven 180’C

Remove the pastry from the freezer and unwrap. Using a serrated bread knife, cut into 1 cm (1/2 “) slices, each cylinder should make 20 pinwheels. Place the rounds on a large, non-stick baking tray with plenty of room between each one.

Bake for 12-15 min or until golden and cooked in the centre. Remove from the oven and cool for 2-3 min before removing from the baking tray. Sift over the icing sugar and serve warm.

Garlic Chicken Lasagne

Garlic Chicken Lasagne

Servings | 2 (Very large servings)
Syns Per Serving | Green – 2 ½*
* Add 6 Syns if not using the Cheddar cheese as a Healthy Extra and a further 6 Syns if not using the chicken as a Healthy Extra

- Fry Light
- 1 medium onion, finely chopped
- 2tsp EPC Very Lazy Garlic or 2-4 cloves garlic, crushed
- 227gm (8oz) skinless chicken breasts, cut into small cubes*
- 400gm can chopped tomatoes
- 1tsp dried oregano
- black pepper
- 6 sheets dried no-need-to-pre-cook lasagne Verdi (spinach) sheets
- 38gm sachet Morrisons Instant Cheese Sauce mix (5 Syns)
- 85gm (3oz) reduced fat Cheddar cheese, grated*

1. Pre-heat oven to 190C / 375F / Gas Mark 5.

2. Heat a large pan sprayed with Fry Light and cook the onion and garlic for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until soft.

3. Add the chicken and cook, stirring occasionally, for a further 5 minutes. Add the tomatoes, oregano and seasoning. Heat through.

4. Spoon half the chicken mixture into a shallow ovenproof dish and top with 3 sheets of lasagne. Repeat the layers.

5. Make up the cheese sauce mix with boiling water as per the packet instructions. Add half of the grated cheese to the cheese sauce. Pour the cheese sauce over the top of the lasagne & sprinkle with the remaining cheese.

6. Transfer the lasagne dish to the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes until the topping is golden brown, bubbling and cooked through.


great on a green day


Nigella's White Minestrone Soup

Nigella's White Minestrone Soup


Serves: approx 6
Syns: either 2 per serving or 1/3 of a HEX A or B

(I usually halve the recipe and it still makes a big pot)

  • 3 large onions, thinly sliced
  • 5 carrots, diced
  • 2 sticks celery, chopped fairly small
  • 300g potatoes, peeled and diced
  • 3 courgettes, diced
  • 100g French beans, cut into 1cm lengths
  • 225g Savoy cabbage, shredded
  • 1½ litres stock made with chicken Bovril (or use Vecon)
  • rind of a finished piece of parmesan cheese (tip - I always save mine from the wedge and freeze them for this recipe!)
  • 400g tin cannellini beans
  • 150g small tubular pasta, such as ditalini
  • 56g parmesan, grated freshly

Get a big pot and spray with Frylight. Add sliced onion and cook until the onion is softened but not browned. Add the chopped carrot and cook for about 3 minutes, stirring a couple of times. Do the same with the celery, potatoes, courgettes and French beans, cooking each one for a few minutes, stirring a few times. Then add the shredded cabbage and cook for about 6-8 minutes, stirring now and then.

Add the stock. Put in the end bit of cheese if you’ve got one, give a good stir and taste to see if any salt is needed. (The cheese rind will give a small saline kick of its own, and remember if you’re using stock cubes that they can be very salty.)

Cover the pan, and cook at a gentle boil for 2-2½ hours (if halving the recipe you will probably only need about 45mins-1hr), stirring occasionally. The soup should be thick, so you have to cook it for long enough to lose any wateriness, but it has to have enough liquid in it at this stage for the pasta to absorb while it’s cooking. If the soup is too thick when you’ve finished cooking it but before you put in the pasta then add some water.

Now remove the lid, add the white beans and cook for 5 minutes, then turn up the heat slightly and put the pasta in. It should cook in about 15 minutes. When it’s ready, take out the parmesan rind, grate in the fresh parmesan and give the pan a good stir.

I like this sprinkled with a few dried crushed chillies. 

Potato, cheese and onion bake

Potato, cheese and onion bake

Serves 4

Syns 1 per serving (add 6 if not using cheese as hex)

2lbs/908g floury potatoes (king edwards/maris piper)
2 red onions
a bunch of spring onions
6oz/170g mozzarella
fresh dill
1/2 pt/284ml Skimmed milk
6oz/170g quark

Pre heat oven to 200 degrees/gas mark 6
Peel potatoes, slice red onion, chop the spring onions, slice mozzarella and chop dill.
Par boil potatoes for 5 min, drain, leave to cool and then slice.
Heat fry light in a pan and gently fry red onions and spring onions until slightly soft.
Arrange slices of potatoes and onions in a gratin dish.
In a jug, mix milk, quark and dill, season and pour over potato. Top with sliced mozzarella and bake for 40mins.

Quick Chinese Noodles

Quick Chinese Noodles

  • 225g rice noodles
  • Frylight
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1/2 tablespoon chilli sauce
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 spring onion, chopped
  1. Bring a large pot of water to the boil. Add noodles, and cook for 4 to 5 minutes or until al dente; drain.
  2. Heat a large frying pan over medium heat and then spray with frylight. SautĂ© garlic until tender. Stir in noodles, and season with soy sauce, chilli sauce, salt and pepper. Sprinkle top with chopped spring onion. 




Serves 4 - Free on Green

1 onion
2 pots
2 sweet pots
1 swede
2 garlic cloves
4 carrots
4 parsnips
1tbsp medium curry powder
1 tbsp chat masala
12oz/340g dried rice

1. Chop onion, pots and swede. Crush garlic, slice carrots and parnips. Put in large pan, cover with 1.5pts of boiling water, bring to boil then reduce heat and simmer for 15 mins.

2. Add the curry powder and chat masala, stir and cook for a further 2 mins. Add rice and cook for 20 min stirring often. The rice should be cooked and the liquid absorbed.

3. To serve divide between 4 serving plates and sprinkle with chopped coriander.

Pork brochettes

Pork brochettes

Requires over night marinading

Serves 4 - free on original

1Lb 12oz/794g lean pork
2 tsp each of ground cumin and dried thyme
1 tsp each of ground corriander and smoked paprika
A pinch of salt
3 garlic cloves
Juice of 2 lemons
4 onions

1 Remove all visable fat from the pork, cut into bite size cubes and place in a bowl. Combine the cumin, thyme, corriander, paprika and salt and rub into the meat.
2 Peel and crush the garlic and mix with the lemon juice. Pour over the pork, spray with fry light, cover and leave to marinade in the fridge over night.

3 When ready to cook, peel and cut the onions into wedges and thread onto 12 skewers with the pork. Place under a grill for 4-5 mins on each side or until cooked through. Serve with a fresh salad. 

Plaice Pie


Plaice Pie



Free on red





The whole pie works out at 1 HEA and 1 HEB

You don't have to stick to the amount of plaice, toms and spring onions (as they're free), I just used the amount that would fit in my baking dish.

4 small boneless plaice fillets (enough to cover the bottom of a small baking dish)
Juice of half a lemon
8 cherry tomatoes
3 spring onions
1 HEA of mature cheddar, grated
1 HEB of bread whizzed into breadcrumbs (I used 3 slices of Weight Watchers brown bread)

Preheat oven to 190°c.
Lay the fillets out on the bottom of the baking dish and marinade in the lemon juice. Best to do this about an hour before cooking.
Slice the spring onions and tomatoes finely, then layer on top of the plaice fillets.
Mix the breadcrumbs and grated cheese together and sprinkle on top.

Spray with fry light and bake for approx 20 minutes. 

Pork Sage & Apple Loaf

Pork Sage & Apple Loaf

serves 4
original day 1 1/2 syn
green 4 1/2 (add 6 syns if not using pork as a healthy extra)

2 Apples
2 Garlic gloves
2 Red onions
1 egg
681g lean pork mince
1 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1tbsp freshly chopped sage
salt and pepper
400g chopped tomatoes
4 tbsp mixed herbs
1 tbsp artificial sweetener

Preheat the oven to 190c/375f/gas mark 5. Line a loaf tin with baking parchment.

Prepare the loaf ingredients: peel, core and roughly grate the apples; crush the garlic; finely chop 1 onion and beat the egg. Place in a bowl with the pork, ginger, cumin, sage and seasoning and mix well. Spoon into the loaf tin and bake for 50-55 minutes until the loaf feels firm and set.

Meanwhile make the sauce: chop the second onion, place in a pan with the remaining ingredients, bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Season well.

Slice the pork loaf, spoon over the tomato sauce and serve with vegetables or a large mixed salad.

The serving suggestion is salad but I did it with mashed potatoes and veg. 

Liver and Onions

Liver and Onions

Red Day - 3.5 sins (flour), 1 sin if using Oxo 

1lb/453g/16oz Ox Liver
2 Onions
Fry Light
1 tbspn Flour (Self Raising or Plain)
Half a pint of Beef Stock made with Bovril or oxo
Salt and freshly ground Black pepper
1 plastic food bag

Wash the liver with cold water and pat dry on kitchen roll, peel and chop the onions. Place in the plastic food bag the flour, add salt and pepper and shake bag to mix.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C/350 degrees F/ Gas Mark 4.

Spray a frying pan lightly with Fry Light and cook the onions until the are soft and tender. Once cooked transfer the onions to a covered casserole dish.

Add the liver to the bag containing the flour, hold the top strongly and shake the bag so that all the liver segments are covered with the flour.

Spray the frying pan again with Fry Light and cook the liver pieces, fry for approximately 2-3 minutes on each side. Once cooked, transfer the liver to the covered casserole dish containing the onions, discard the bag containing the excess flour.

Make up the beef stock and pour over the liver and onions, mix with a spoon ensuring that all the pieces are mostly covered.

Place covered casserole dish in the oven and leave for 30 minutes, after which lower the heat down to 150 degrees C/300 degrees F/Gas Mark 2 for a further 15 minutes .

By now the liver is very tender and can be served with broccoli, baby carrots or/and green beans.

Liver will never be the same again!

Hot Banana Curly Wurly Chocolate Pudding

Hot Banana Curly Wurly Chocolate Pudding

Oh just made this and it is lush.....

3 Bananas
1 Curly Wurly
1/4 of tub of Fromage Frais
1 Chocolate Options.

Serves Three
3 Syns per serving (well just under)

Lay the banana on it's side and make a slit all the way down in the skin.

Cut the Curly Wurly into small pieces and push into the exposed banana through the slit.

Wrap them in tinfoil and put them in the oven for 15-20 mins on gas mark 7.

Mix the options and fromage frais together.

When the banana is ready it will be soft and the curly wurly will have melted. Gently lift the banana from the skin and put the chocolate fromage frais over.

Red pepper and feta cheese soup

 Red pepper and feta cheese soup

1 red pepper.
1 sweet red pepper.
3 tomatoes.
1 chicken oxo cube.
Feta cheese (14g per serving)

Chop the red pepper and the sweet red pepper up and place into a pan. Add the tomatoes fill the pan with water until 3/4 full. Crumble in the oxo cube and season with S and P.
Bring to the boil and then simmer for about 20 mins. Until the veg is soft.
Remove from the heat and allow to cool. Then blitz with a hand blender until smooth.
Return to the heat and heat throughly, serve in a bowl with 14g of feta cheese crumbled on top and lashings of salt and black pepper.

I've also made this with BNsq and chilli flakes. I've added carrots, onions etc. You really can use any veg that you have lying around.
I love the creamy taste the feta cheese gives it as it melts into the soup


Bacon and sweet red pepper quiche

Bacon and sweet red pepper quiche.

1 sweet red pepper.
1 red onion.
Smoked bacon. - i use more if on a red or EE day, less if on a green.
2 tubs of Asda's red pepper good for you cottage cheese.
3 eggs.
HE A of cheese.

Chop the onion and sweet red pepper.
Cut off all the fat from the bacon, chop into biggish chunks and fry in the pan with the pepper and onion until cooked.
You may need to add some extra water to stop it from sticking to the pan.
Blitz the 2 tubs of cottage cheese and the eggs in the blender until smooth.
Pour the eggs and cottage cheese mixture into a large casserole dish. Add the bacon and peppers and stir.
Cover with grated cheese and bake in the oven until firm. (approx 180 degrees for 30 minutes)

Tastes great hot and cold.

Other varieties include:
Smoked ham and mushroom.
Smoked ham and tomato.

Spring onion - with cheese and chive cottage cheese. 

Stir fry pork with chilli and pineapple

Stir fry pork with chilli and pineapple

4 pieces of lean pork (chop size)
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 fresh pineapple
1/2 fresh red chilli
tsp cornflour
spalsh of dry sherry *could leave this out
soy sauce to taste
Bag of crunchy style salad.

Mix together finely cut strips of pork, cornflour soy sauce (lots) and splash of sherry.
Crush garlic and stir fry with fry light for a couple of mins. Add chilli and stir fry.
Add pork mixture and stiry fry till pork is nearly cookded
Throw in bag of mixed salad (crunchy style) and add 1/2 fresh chopped pineapple
Stir fry a couple of minutes, add chopped fresh coriander.
( Great for an original day and with lots of veg you dont need anything else - about 1 syn on orginal and actually tasty!)



Lemon and Lime cheesecake

Lemon and Lime cheesecake

(3 sins per slice on both plans)

(Serves 10)

10 Fox's Crinkle Crunch biscuits
3 egg whites
2 x sachets lemon & lime sugar free jelly crystals
1 lb/454g quark
250g very low fat natural cottage cheese
8oz/227g very low fat natural fromage frais
1-2 tbsp granulated sweetener
6oz/170g small strawberries} thawed if frozen
6oz/170g raspberries }

Grease and line an 8in cake tin with baking parchment.
Place biscuits in plastic bag and crush finely with a rolling pin
Beat 1 egg white in a bowl, add crushed biscuits and mix well.
Press evenly into cake tin, bake in oven Gas 5 /190oC/375 F
Dissolve jelly crystals into 1/2 pint boiling water and allow to cool
Put quark in a bowl and sieve in cottage cheese to remove lumps, beat

With fromage frais, cover and chill
When jelly is cool, whisk remaining 2 egg whites until stiff, Beat liquid
jelly into cheese mixture adding sweetener if required.
Fold in egg white mixture until well blended and pile on top of crushed
biscuits, smoothing the top. Chill for 2 hours until set.
To serve, wash the fruit, hull strawberries and cut in half, remove
cheesecake from tin and place on a plate, arrange fruit on top, decorate with
mint leaves and dust with 1 tsp of icing sugar (optional)
You could use frozen berries when fresh aren't in season, just thaw and

spoon onto cake.