Thursday 30 November 2017

Yogurt Pancakes

Yogurt Pancakes

Serves 2
3½ pts per serving

60g (2oz) plain flour
150g (5.5oz) fat free plain natural yogurt
1 beaten egg
2 tbsp of skimmed milk

Whisk the egg in a bowl with the natural yogurt.
Sift over the flour and whisk until smooth thick batter.
Rest for 10 mins.

Heat a non stick frying pan.

Dry fry spoon fulls of the batter for 3 mins on each side.

Serve the pancakes hot with your choice of topping!


Dont be scared that the batter is very thick - that is how it is supposed to be!
This batter allows for 8 pancakes - thats four each!!!!
These are great served with honey and fresh fruit!
These pancakes can be cooked and frozen!

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