Thursday 30 November 2017

Summer Pudding

Summer Pudding

From a WW leaflet

Serves 4
2 pts per serving

480g mixed soft fruit eg strawberries, raspberries, red and blackcurrants, pitted cherries
6-8 slices white bread, crusts, removed
fresh mint leaves to garnish

Put the fruit and 2 tbsp water into a pan and heat gently for 5 mins until the juices start to run but the berries retain their texture. Sweeten to taste.

Line the base and sides of a 900ml pudding basin with the bread. Spoon in the fruit and juice, cover with more bread and place a saucer or small plate on top. Weight the plate down with something heavy. Leave somewhere cool overnight. Remove the weight and the plate and loosen the sides of the pudding. Invert onto a serving plate and decorate with mint leaves.

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