Tuesday 28 November 2017

Marinated pork fillet with roasted vegetables

Marinated pork fillet with roasted vegetables

Points 4½ per serving
Serves 4

Marinate some pork fillet then roast with root vegetables and apples for an easy, special meal.

5 tablespoon sherry, medium dry
2 tablespoon soy sauce, light
2 teaspoon fresh or dried herbs, dried, mixed
1 tablespoon parsley, chopped (or sage) 
450 g pork tenderloin, (in one piece)
6 medium parsnips
450 g butternut squash, cut in to large chunks
2 medium apples
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 pinch salt, and freshly ground black pepper

In a large shallow dish, mix together the sherry, soy sauce, sage and apple seasoning or mixed herbs, sage or parsley and salt and pepper. Rinse the pork fillet, then add to the marinade, turning to coat. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, turning occasionally.

Preheat the oven to 200°C / 400°F / Gas Mark 6.

Put the pork fillet into a roasting tin and arrange the parsnips and butternut squash around it. Pour over any remaining marinade. Quarter and core the apples, without peeling them. Sprinkle with lemon juice and place next to the pork. Roast for 40 - 45 minutes until the pork is cooked and the fruit and vegetables are tender.

Slice the pork and serve with the vegetables and apples, garnished with fresh sage or parsley.

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