Thursday 30 November 2017

Poshed up Snack a Jacks

Blackberry & Apple Danish Jumbo Snack a Jacks

Serves 1 @ 1½ pts per serving.
Core ½ pt

Take two slices from an eating apple, peel & chop the rest.  Cook the chopped apple until soft (2-3 mins in microwave).  Cool.  Take 40g blackberries, reserve 4 for decoration and add the rest to the cooked apple.  Heap onto an apple danish snack a jack, top with a tbsp virtually fat free fromage frias.  Decorate with apple slices and blackberries

Peach Melba Caramel Jumbo Snack a Jacks

Serves 2 @ 2½ pts per serving

Core: ½ pt per serving

Chop a fresh peach or nectarine, reserving 4 slices, then mix with 100g low fat soft cheese (extra light philadelphia).  Take 50g raspberries, crush most of them with a fork and add half to the cheese mixture.  Spread onto 2 jumbo caramel snack a jacks and top with the reamining peach slices and whole raspebrries. Drizzle with the rest of the crushed raspberries and garnish with mint leaves.

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