Thursday 30 November 2017

Apple & Toffee Dessert

Apple & Toffee Dessert

Serves 4

Full Choice 2 pts per serving

No Count ½ pt per serving

680g Bramley apples
½ tsp grated lemon rind
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp sweetener
2 x 200g pots Mullerlite toffee flavour yogurt
2 brandy snaps, broken (2pts)

Peel core and chop the apples.  Put into a large pan with the lemon rind and juice and 3 tbsp water.

Cover and cook over moderate heat for 5-7 mins, stirring until the apples ar tender enough to break down, but do not allow them to become mushy.

Remove from the heat and stir in the sweetener.

Spoon into 4 serving dishes, layering them with the toffee yogurt.

Top with broken brandy snaps and serve.

Note:  Make this with 2 caramel snackajacks to reduce the points to 1½ for full choice and completely free on no count.

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