Thursday 30 November 2017

Core Steamed Pudding.

Core Steamed Pudding.

From The WW boards:

By janwisteria

Serves - 4 small appetites or 2 piggies!!!!!

Plain - about 2 pts allowing for the stuff in the bottom.
Chocolate - about 3 pts including the chocolate sauce
Coffee - free including sauce

1 banana
1 tbsp extra light philadelphia cheese
drop of vanilla essence
4tbsp splenda
3 oz of semolina
pinch of salt
1 heaped teaspoon of baking powder
2tbsp milk

low cal Jam or lemon curd or honey (approx 2 points) or golden syrup (1 point) – for the bottom of the bowl – point as necessary (about 2 tbsp's should be enough)
(you could use NC Jam to make this totally free of course)

Or sultana's – about 2 oz (add this to mix) (2 points)

(variations – a) omit 1oz of semolina and replace with cocoa powder - (2 points) - omit vanilla essence
b) add tsp of instant coffee to 2 tsp of boiling water and mix in with milk in recipe – omit vanilla essence)

If you did the chocolate/coffee version you could use elf mixed with splenda and some cocoa powder/coffee for a sauce for the bottom of the bowl.

Mash Banana with the elf and egg.
Add vanilla essence and stir in
Add splenda and stir in
Add semolina, salt and baking powder and stir
Add milk a tbsp at a time. Mixtures should be sloppy but not overly sloppy a bit like thick custard.
Spray a pint bowl with frylite
Put in the bottom of your mix some jam or honey or whatever the pour the mixture over the top. LOOSELY cover with cling film (best to put a soft fold in it to allow the mixture to expand – plus put a hole in it or it would implode!)
Cook in microwave of full power for about 3mins 30 secs or slightly less if you have a high wattage of oven.
Leave it to stand for 2 mins and then turn out.

NOT strictly core due the density issue, so make your own choice.

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