Thursday 30 November 2017

Normandy Bake

Normandy Bake

Serves 4

Points plan 2½ pts per serving
Core: ½ pt per serving

3 medium apples
4 tbsp granulated sweetener eg Splenda
50g sultanas
4 medium eggs
100g very low fat fromage frias
1 tbsp calvados apple brandy (optional)

Peel core and slice the apples.  Line the base of a medium sized ovenproof dish with the apple slices.  Sprinkle with sweetener and sultanas.

Lightly beat the eggs, fromage frias and brandy and pour over the apples and sultanas.

Bake in a preheated oven at Gas 5/190ºC/375ºF for 15 -2 0 mins until golden brown.

Serve with yogurt or custard (not included in the points)

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