Thursday 30 November 2017

Pretzel Pancakes

Pretzel Pancakes

2 pts per serving
Serves 4

Serve with fruit and fromage frais for a delicious low fat pancake treat.

3 heaped teaspoon white sugar
½ large bag Penn State Organics 95% Fat Free Salted Pretzels, crushed
350 ml skimmed milk
2 teaspoon baking powder
2 medium eggs, lightly beaten

Preheat the frying pan and grease lightly.

Combine pretzels, baking powder and sugar. Beat eggs with milk. Blend together pretzel and milk mixture until thin enough to pour.

Drop batter into pan to form pancakes about 4 inches in diameter and cook over a low heat until bubbles form around the edges and the underside is brown. Turn and brown the other side.

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