Thursday 30 November 2017

Chocolate Roulade with Creamy Raspberry Crush

Chocolate Roulade with Creamy Raspberry Crush

Serves 4

Points per recipe 17
Points per serving 4

Freezing not recommended

2 large eggs
80g caster sugar
75g plain white flour
2 tbsp cocoa powder
pinch salt
200g fresh or frozen raspberries
200g quark
1 tbsp clear honey
1 tsp icing sugar

Heat oven to Gas 6/200ºC/fan oven 180ºC.  Line a swiss roll tin, about 30cmx23cm (12" x 9") with non-stick baking parchment.

Put eggs and sugar into a large heatproof bowl and place bowl over a pan of simmering water.  Using a hand held electric whisk, beat the mixture steadily until you have a thick yellow foam, it should leave a trail when you lift out the whisk.  Remove the bowl from the pan and let it cool.

Sift together the flour, cocoa and salt.  gently fold these into the eggy foam.  Now spread the mixture into the prepared tin.

Bake for 8-10 mins until firm to the touch.  Remove from oven and let it cool for 5 mins.  Turn the sponge out onto a wire rack and carefully peel off the lining paper.

Trim off any crusty edges and cover the sponge with a fresh sheet of baking parchment.  Roll up the sponge, enclosing the parchment and allow it to cool.

Meanwhile place the raspberries in a bowl and crush them with a fork.  Stir in the quark.  Sweeten the mixture with the honey.

Unroll the sponge, remove the baking parchment.  Spread the spong with the raspberry cream and re-roll it.  Place the sponge on a platter and sift over the icing sugar.

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