Thursday 30 November 2017

Little Apricot Cheesecakes

Little Apricot Cheesecakes

Points per serving 3 (original points)
Serves 4

4 low-fat digestives, crushed
4 tablespoon apple juice, unsweetened
200 g low-fat soft cheese
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
3 tablespoon artificial sweetener, powdered
1 large egg, separated
150 g apricots, pitted and sliced

Preheat the oven to 180°C / fan oven 160°C / Gas Mark 4

Share the crushed biscuits between 4 small ovenproof glass dishes or ramekins. Spoon 1 tbsp apple juice into each dish, sprinkling them over the biscuit crumbs.

Put the soft cheese into a mixing bowl with the vanilla extract, 2 tbsp sweetener and the egg yolk. Beat with a wooden spoon until smooth.

In a clean, grease-free bowl, whisk the egg white until it holds its shape. Fold into the cheese mixture using a large metal spoon. Share between the dishes, then stand them on a baking sheet and bake for about 20 minutes until set. Allow to cool.

Meanwhile, cook the apricot slices for 4-5 minutes in a little water. Drain off any liquid, then add the remaining sweetener. When completely cooled, share them between the dishes.


Use canned apricots in natural juice if fresh ones are not available.

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