Thursday 30 November 2017

American Pie

American Pie

Serves 8

31½ pts per recipe
4 pts per serving

175g plain flour(7½ pts)
pinch salt
40g caster sugar (2pts)
90g polyunsaturated margarine (13pts)
1 egg yolk

800g pumpkin
3 eggs (5pts 4 eggs)
75g soft light brown sugar (4 pts)
½ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp ground ginger
¼ tsp grated nutmeg

Sift the flour, salt and sugar, rub in the margarine until it lookslike breadcrumbs.  Make a well in the middle and add the egg yolk and 1-2 tbsp water.  Mix to a smooth paste.  Wrap in greaseproof paper and chill for 30 mins.

Scoop out the seeds from the pumpkin, cur off the skin.  Roughly chop te flesh and place in a pan.  Just cover with water.  Bring to the boil, simmer 20-25 mins until soft.  Drain, cool and mash.

Preheat oven to 190ºC/375ºF/Gas 5.  Roll out the pastry and use to line a deep 18cm (7") loose-bottomed flan tin.  Line with greaseproof paper, fill with baking beans and bake for 10 mins,  Remove the paper and beans and bake for another 5 mins.

Beat the eggs lightly and add to the pumpkin puree with the remaining filling ingredients.  Pour into flan case and bake for 1 hour.

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