Thursday 30 November 2017

Brambly Apple Crumbles

Brambly Apple Crumbles

Serves 4

Points per serving 5

480g baking apples, cored & sliced
120g blackberries
50g muscovado sugar
40g polyunsaturated margerine
90g no sugar muesli
30g marzipan, grated
8 tbsp low fat plain yogurt

Preheat oven to Gas 5/190ºC/375ºF

Mic apples and blackberries with half the sugar and divide between 4 individual dishes or one large one.  Bake 5 mins.

Melt the margerine, remove from the heat and stir in the muesli, remaining sugar and marzipan.  Remove baking dishes from oven, sprinkle topping over in an even layer.

Return to oven and bake for 15 mins until apples are tneder and topping is crunchy and golden.

Serve with 2 tbsp yogurt.

Note: If you want to leave the marzipan out deduct ½ pt per serving.

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