Thursday 30 November 2017

Spicy Bramley Apple Crumble

Spicy Bramley Apple Crumble

Serves 6
2½ pts per serving

3 large Bramley apples, (approx 700g) peeled, cored and thickly sliced
50ml water
5 cardamom pods, crushed
2 tbsp sweetener eg Splenda
110 g rolled oats
10 g pumpkin seeds
10 g sunflower seeds
10 g sesame seeds
1 tsp ground cinnamon
50ml water
1 tbsp honey
1 tsp sesame oil

Preheat oven to Gas 4/180ºC/350ºF

Place apples in a pan with 50 ml water, cardamom and sweetener.  Bring to the boil, turn heat down and simmer for 6-8 mins until the apples have softened.

Place oats, seeds and cinnamon in a bowl.  Gently heat together the 50ml water, honey and sesame oil and pour into a bowl.  Stir well with a fork.

Place softened apples into an ovenproof dish, cover with oat mixture.  Bake for 15 mins until crumble is golden.  Serve

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