Thursday 30 November 2017

Lemon Meringue Pie

Lemon Meringue Pie

From the WW boards

This is 1.5points per slice and serves 8

1 large egg, separated
6 portion low-fat digestives, biscuits, crushed

3 level tablespoon cornflour
200 ml water
2 portion lemon(s), grated zest and juice of
3 tablespoon artificial sweetener, powdered
2 large egg(s), separated
2 tablespoon caster sugar

First make the base. Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 4/180°C/350°F/fan oven 160°C. Lightly whip the egg white until slightly foamy, then stir in the biscuit crumbs. Tip this mixture into a 20cm (8 inch) flan dish and spread out evenly over the base. Bake in the oven for about 5-6 minutes, until set. Remove and leave to cool slightly.

Meanwhile, make the filling. Blend the cornflour with the water in a small non-stick saucepan. Add the lemon zest and juice and bring to the boil, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens. Remove from the heat and add the sweetener. Cool slightly.

Stir the egg yolks into the lemon mixture, including the one left over from making the base. Pour this mixture over the base and return to the oven to bake for 10-12 minutes.

Whilst the filling is cooking, whisk the egg whites in a grease-free bowl until they hold their shape. Add the caster sugar and whisk again until stiff and glossy. Pile this mixture onto the set filling and return to the oven for 5-6 minutes, until browned.
Make sure that the bowl and beaters are scrupulously clean when whisking egg whites – any trace of grease and they will not whip successfully.

Lemon Meringue Pie

I had to make adjustments but here is the recipe.
Total recipe points - 13pts
Per 1/6 serving - 2.5

My sandwich tin was too big (about 10 inches) and I didn't have one smaller so instead of making one big one I made 6 mini ones!!
If you have a 6 inch tin then I would use that otherwise use a non stick yorkshire pudding tin.

For the base:
10 Weight Watchers Dark Treacle biscuits (5 pks) CRUSHED - which I have just found out are being discontinued by Heinz :-( so I will have to think of something else for my base. Jen suggested a low fat cereal but perhaps you could mix reduced fat digestives and cereal crushed??

6 teaspoons of dairy free marg which works out at .5pt per teaspoon.

Fry Lite spray - sunflower

1 sachet of Greens Lemon Meringue Filling
1 medium egg yolk (recipe says this is optional)
1/2 pint of water

2 medium egg whites
2 teaspoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of sweetner

Crush biscuits until very fine.
Melt dairy free marg in a saucepan and once melted add crushed biscuits and mix.

Spray 6 sections of your yorkshire pudding with fry lite (6 sprays each).

Once marg has been absorbed divide mixture into 6 of the sections of the yorkshire pudding tin and press down with a teaspoon until compact and spray tops of your bases 6 times again.

Put in pre-heated oven at gas mark 4 for 10 mins. Keep checking as biscuits burn quickly - this is only to seal the base not cook it.

Take bases out of oven and leave on side to cool.


Pour Lemon Meringue Filling sachet into a saucepan.
Whisk egg yolk and water together and slowly whisk into filling mix over a medium heat. Once all water and yolk has been added keep stirrying until filling is very thick and is bubbling.

Now here is a tricky bit but is necessary!! Measure 100g of this mixture then divide into 6 and pour equally onto each biscuit base.
If you want to divide all of the mixture then I would add another point to your pies!

Leave to cool.


Whisk your egg whites until stiff - then add both of your sugars. Continue to whisk until stiff peaks form and spoon equally over your 6 biscuit bases.

Put in oven again on gas mark 2 until meringues are browned.

And voila. Leave to cool and enjoy!!

The bases will come out easier if you leave to cool before taking them out of the tin. You may have to gently pull them out with your fingers holding the meringue so you don't damage the bases.
It is easy to work out your own points if you substitute any of the ingredients.

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