Thursday 30 November 2017

Banana Sultana Syrup Puddings

Banana Sultana Syrup Puddings

Serves 4

Points per serving 5

40g polyunsaturated margarine
40g muscovado sugar
1 large egg, beaten
1 tsp vanilla extract
40g self raising flour
1 medium banana
30g sultanas
1 tbsp skimmed milk
2 tbsp golden syrup
1 x 150g ready to serve, low fat custard

Use a tiny amount of the margarine to grease 4 ramekins or small pudding basins.  Heat oven Gas 4/180ÂșC

Beat the remaining margarine with the sugar until light and lfuffy.  Beat in the egg, a little at a time then add the vanilla extract.  Fold in the flour with a metal spoon.  Mash the banana and stir into the mixture with the sultanas and milk.

Put half tbsp golden syrup into the bottom of each ramekin and divide the creamed mixture between them.  Stand the dishes in a roasting pan and pour in enough warm water to come half way up the sides of the dishes.

Bake 25-30 mins until risen and golden.  Turn out and serve with a little custard.

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