Thursday 30 November 2017

Chocolate Pots with Tia Maria

Chocolate Pots with Tia Maria

Serves 6

3 pts per serving

1 tsp instant coffee granules
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
4 tbsp hot water
60g dark chocolate, broken into pieces
2 eggs, separated
2 tbsp Tia Maria
1 tbsp caster sugar
3 tbsp whipping cream
½ tsp cocoa powder to decorate

Put coffee, cocoa, hot water and chocolate into a heatproof bowl.  Place over a pan of gently simmerimg water and stir until chocolate is melted and blended.  Remove from heat and cool slightly.

Beat egg yolks, lightly and add to cooled chocolate mixture. Replace bowl over heat and cook, stirring constantly, for 4-5 mins until mixture has thickened.  Stir in Tia Maria.

Whisk the egg whites in a grease free bowl until stiff.  Add caster sugar and whisk again until mixture looks glossy.  Fold into the chocolate mixture.

Divide mixture between 6 small pots and chill.

Whip cream until it holds it's shape and spoon a little on top of each dessert.  Sprinkle with cocoa powder and serve.

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