Thursday 30 November 2017

Magic Semolina

Magic Semolina

Posted on UK boards from a member in Germany

(this would be the German name of this recipe translated into English)

Core recipe

Makes 1 portion

250 ml skimmed milk
2 Tablespoons of Semolina
half a teaspoon of baking powder
pinch of salt
flavour (vanilla, almond, chocolate) plus sweetener to taste

You need to make this in a high container or transfer to a high container after cooking!

Bring milk to boil, stir in semolina and leave to well for 3-4 minutes on low heat for it to thicken a bit. Put sweetener and flavour in.

Remove from stove and mix in the baking powder.

Put whole container with mixture in it into cold water bath and now using an electric whisking machine (not a single arm one, but an electric hand-mixer with two small whisking things; do not know English name for machine, sorry) whisk on highest level for at least 5 minutes, move whisking arms up and down to put lots of air in. The pudding now slowly cools down whilst being mixed and should expand to double its original size. It should end as a fluffy foam like mass.

This sound complicated but only because I probably didn't explain it well enough.
It is one of the most popular recipes on the German WW message boards!

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