Thursday 30 November 2017

Plum Batter Cake

Plum Batter Cake

3 pts per serving
Serves 4

Slices of plum lightly cooked then baked in batter in small gratin dishes and served with a light fruit sauce.

6 medium plums, about 400g
250 ml apple juice
1 stick cinnamon
5 spray low-fat cooking spray
30 g self raising flour
30 g almonds, ground
10 g white sugar
10 g caster sugar
100 ml skimmed milk
50 g quark, low fat
1 medium eggs
1 teaspoon icing sugar, to dust

Heat the oven to 190°C/375°F/Gas Mark 5. Halve and stone the plums. Slice half in wedges and chop the rest. Heat a non-stick frying pan and when hot lay in the sliced plums in a single layer and pour over a third of the apple juice.

Cook on a high heat for about 3 minutes until the plums have softened and the juice has evaporated.

Spray some low fat spray into four small gratin dishes, about 120ml capacity (or use large ramekin dishes). Arrange the sliced plums on top.

Beat together the flour, almonds, 2 sugars, milk, quark and egg to a thick batter. Spoon over plums. Place the dishes on a flat metal tray and bake for 15-20 minutes until risen and golden brown.

Meanwhile, put the chopped plums into a small saucepan with the remaining juice and cinnamon stick. Bring to the boil, and then simmer until soft, about 10 minutes. Remove the cinnamon stick and blend the plums and juice to a sauce. Cool and pour into a small jug. Serve the plum puddings dusted with icing sugar and serve the sauce separately.

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