Thursday 30 November 2017

Apple and Banana Cornflake Bakes

Apple and Banana Cornflake Bakes

Serves 4
Points per serving 4

4 eating apples, cored
grated rind & juice of 1 lemon
4 tbsp golden syrup
1 tbsp polyunsaturated margarine
60g cornflakes
1 medium banana
120g low fat plain fromage frais

Preheat oven to Gas4/180ºC/350ºF

Cut each apple into 3 horizontal slices and remove the core.  Dip the pieces into lemon juice to prevent them browning.

Warm the syrup and marg together until melted, then add the cornflakes, stirring until coated.  Slice the banana & add to the micture.

On a baking sheet layer the apples with the cornflake mixture.  Secure with cocktail sticks.  Transfer to the oven and bake for 15 mins until apples are tender.

Stir 1 tsp lemon rind into fromage frais and serve with the apples.

For Core: 1½ pts per serving

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