Thursday 30 November 2017

Orange & Lemon Cheesecake

Orange & Lemon Cheesecake
From WW boards
Total points = 30, serves 8 = 3.5 pts per serving. This can also be frozen. 

150g reduced fat digestive biscuits
50g low fat spread
2 teaspoons of golden syrup

For the filling:

200g low-fat soft cheese
50g fructose
finely grated zest and juice of 1 lemon
finely grated zest and juice of 1 orange
11g sachet of gelatine
2 x 150g pots of low-fat orange or lemon flavoured yogurt (I used the ski greek style ones which come in lemon & orange flavours)
1 egg white
2 oranges, peeled and segmented to decorate

Crush the biscuits in a food processor until you have fine crumbs (I think I put mine in a plastic bag and used a rolling pin). Melt together the low fat spread and golden syrup and pour over the biscuit crumbs. Mix well and press over the base of a 20cm (8 inch) loose-bottomed springform tin. Chill while preparing the topping.

Beat together the soft cheese, fructose, lemon zest and lemon juice and orange zest.

Place the orange juice in a small heatproof bowl or cup, sprinkle the gelatine over and leave to stand for 5 minutes until it becomes spongy in appearance. Place over a pan of gently simmering water and heat until clear and gelatine has completely dissolved. Allow to cool for 5 minutes.

Beat the gelatine ito the soft cheese mixture with the yogurt. Whisk the egg white until it forms soft peaks and fold in. Spoon over the biscuit base, level the top and chill for at least 3 hours.

To serve remove from the tin onto a serving plate and arrange the orange slices around the edge.

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