Thursday 30 November 2017

Bread Pudding

Bread Pudding

3 pts per serving (original points)

Serves 4

This pudding can also be cooled to room temperature for a custard-like consistency or served cold. Complement with fresh berries and a cup of fruit tea.

1 spray low-fat cooking spray, low fat
4 medium slice bread, (200g 7 oz total) raisin bread, crusts removed
2 heaped teaspoon low-calorie jam, apricot
500 ml skimmed milk
2 large eggs
1 tablespoon caster sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla essence
1 teaspoon spice, preferably nutmeg and cinnamon

Preheat oven to Gas Mark 4/350°F/180°C. Coat a 600ml ( 1 pint ) ovenproof baking dish with cooking spray.

Spread bread with jam and cut into squares. Layer into dish.

Combine milk, eggs, sugar and vanilla extract. Pour over bread and sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg.

Bake for 1 hour or until set. Brown under grill if desired. Serve hot.

Bread Pudding

from a 1985 WW cookbook.

Whole pudding is 19.5pts.

4 slices of ww brown bread
45g self raising flour 
45g branflakes
4 tablespoons low fat marg
2 teaspoons mixed spice
1 teaspoon each of grated orange and lemon peel
3 table spoons of marmalade
120g mixed dried fruit
2 teaspoon caster sugar
Preheat oven to 160oc/ gas mark 3

Soak the bread in water, drain and gently squeeze out the excess water.
Put into a large bowl, add flour & bran flakes. Mix together. Warm milk in a msl saucepan. Add low fat marg mixed spice and grated peels. Stir until the fat is melted then pour onto hte bread mixture, adding marmalade, dried fruit. Mix together thoroughly to a drooping consistency - if too stiff add more skimmed milk. 

Spoon in to an 8 x 6inch (20x15cm) non stick baking tin. Sprinkle top with the sugar. Bake for 1-1.5hrs or until firm to the touch.

Leave to cool and then enjoy

Bread Pudding 

No Count

The basic recipe is:(serves 2)

5 pogen Golden Krisprolls
300ml of hot skimmed milk
1.5 dessertspoons of sweetner
1 tsp of cinammon
1 beaten egg

Put krisprolls in small lasagne dish, add sweetner, beaten egg, and cinnamon to the hot milk and pour over rolls. Leave to soak for 10 mins and then bake in oven at 180 for 20-30 mins until firm to touch. Leave for 5 mins before serving.
You can add any tinned/fresh fruit you choose. Works well with tinned peaches, stewed apple, sultanas (adding points), plum slices etc. Serve with muller light vanilla/toffee yoghurt for a decadent stodgy NC pudding!

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