Thursday 30 November 2017

Raspberry Slice

Raspberry Slice

2 points per serving
Serves 8

5 sheet filo pastry, large
10 spray low-fat cooking spray
250 g quark
300 g low-fat soft cheese
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
3 tablespoon artificial sweetener
250 g raspberries, thawed if frozen
2 teaspoon icing sugar

Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 6/200°C/400°F/fan oven 180°C. Spray 3 baking trays with low fat cooking spray. (If you only have one or two baking trays, cook the pastry in batches).

Place one sheet of filo pastry onto a work surface and spray with low fat cooking spray. Pile the rest of the filo pastry sheets on top, spraying each one with low fat cooking spray. Use a sharp knife or scissors to cut the pile into three stacks, each measuring approximately 25 x 12.5cm (10 x 5 inches). Place each stack of pastry sheets onto a baking tray.

Bake the filo pastry stacks for 5-6 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from the oven and leave until completely cold.

Beat the Quark, low fat soft cheese, vanilla extract and sweetener together. Crush half the raspberries lightly with a fork, then fold them lightly through the mixture – there is no need to mix them in thoroughly.

Put one stack of filo pastry sheets onto a serving platter. Spread half the raspberry mixture over the surface and scatter half the remaining raspberries on top. Position one more stack of filo pastry on top, then carefully spoon the rest of the raspberry mixture over, spreading it out to the edges. Add the remaining raspberries. Position the rest of the filo pastry sheets on top. Serve, sprinkled with icing sugar.

Apple & Kiwi Sorbet

Apple & Kiwi Sorbet 

No Count recipe

Full Choice ½ pt per serving

Serves 6

3 Apple flavour tea bags
750 g bramley apples, peeled, cored and chopped
6 tbsp splenda
4 ripe kiwis, peeled and chopped
2 egg whites

Make up the tea using 300ml boiling water.  Allow to steep 5 mins then remove bags & discard.

Cook the apple with the tea until soft and then sweeten.

Cool, then blend to a puree with the Kiwi fruit.  Freeze until slushy in a shallow freezeable dish.

Remove and beat well with a whisk or processor.  (Add a few drops of green colouring if you want) Return to the freezer container.

Whisk the egg whites until the soft peak stage and fold into the slushy mixture.  Return to the freezer until frozen, stirring occasionally. 

Ideally eat when it has just frozen and before it sets rock hard.  otherwise, remove from the freezer about 30 mins before you need it, storing it in the fridge until required.

Flapjack Pudding

Flapjack Pudding

Serves 4

3½ pts per serving

240g cooking apples, peeled, cored & sliced
300g blackberries
¼ tsp allspice
2-3 tbsp splenda or to taste
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp low fat spread
120g porridge oats
finely grated zest of 1 lemon

Put apples & blackberries in an ovenproof dish with the splenda. 

Heat the honey and low fat spread until melted then mix in the oats and lemon zest.

Sprinkle on top of the fruit.

Bake at Gas 4/180ºC/350ºF for 25 mins.

Chocolate Mint Cheesecake

Chocolate Mint Cheesecake

Serves 6

3 pts per serving


1 medium egg
50g caster sugar
35g plain flour
2 tsp cocoa powder

2 tsp gelatine
30 ml hot water
225g quark
275 ml natural yogurt
5 tbsp mint liqueur
1 egg white
2 tbsp splenda
1 standard size flake bar, crushed

Spray a 7" loose bottomed cake tin and line with baking parchment.  Heat oven to Gas 5/375ºF/190ºC.

Place egg and sugar into a bowl over a pan of gently simmerign water and whisk until thick and mousse-like.  The whisk should leave a thick trail that lasts a few seconds.

Remove from heat and whisk until cold.  Sieve the flour and cocoa powder over the surface and fold in very gently.  Turn into the tin and abke for 20-25 mins.  Cool on a wire rack. Wash the tin.

Return the sponge to the tin.

Sprinkle the gelatine over the hot water in a cup or small basin and stir until dissolved.

Place quark, yogurt, mint liqueur and gelatine in a blender and run until smooth.  Pour into a bowl and chill until just before it sets.  Whisk the egg white until stiff.  Add the spenda and whisk again.  Fold into the mint mixture and pour over the sponge base.  Chill until set.

Just before serving, top with the crushed flake.



Found this on the WW boards....not a recipe as such but a new way of using prunes.

Get some ready to eat prunes (8= 1pt both plans) put into a spring clip jar (or any).  Make some earl grey tea (without milk) or any other flavoured tea.  Pour over the prunes whilst hot.  Put a couple of sprigs of fresh rosemary in the jar.  Cool and seal the jar. 

After a few hours, overnight is best, the prunes become all soft and juicey and the liquid becomes a thick syrup.

Nice with yogurt for breakfast.

Will keep for a few weeks in the fridge.

Apple & Toffee Dessert

Apple & Toffee Dessert

Serves 4

Full Choice 2 pts per serving

No Count ½ pt per serving

680g Bramley apples
½ tsp grated lemon rind
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp sweetener
2 x 200g pots Mullerlite toffee flavour yogurt
2 brandy snaps, broken (2pts)

Peel core and chop the apples.  Put into a large pan with the lemon rind and juice and 3 tbsp water.

Cover and cook over moderate heat for 5-7 mins, stirring until the apples ar tender enough to break down, but do not allow them to become mushy.

Remove from the heat and stir in the sweetener.

Spoon into 4 serving dishes, layering them with the toffee yogurt.

Top with broken brandy snaps and serve.

Note:  Make this with 2 caramel snackajacks to reduce the points to 1½ for full choice and completely free on no count.

Orange Rice Torte

Orange Rice Torte

Serves 8

Just before serving, pour over some Grand Marnier liqueur if wished adding the points; 1 pt per 25ml.

Full Choice 18 pts the whole recipe
No Count   6 pts the full recipe

150g pudding rice
600ml skimmed milk
8 tbsp splenda
4 oranges
6 sheets leaf gelatine
450ml low fat custard
2 tsp vanilla essence
a few grapes to decorate

Place the rice, milk and splenda in a heavy-based pan.  bring to a gently simmer, stirring continuously.  Reduce the heat and simmer uncovered for 20 mins until the milk has been absorbed & the rice is cooked.

Using a fine grater, add the zest from 2 of the oranges and stir well.

Soak the gelatine in a bowl fo cold water until soft.  Squeeze out the water and place in a small bowl.  Dissolve the gelatine weither in the microwave for 30secs on full power or by sitting it in a bowl in a large pan of boiling water.  Beat the gelatine into the rice.  Stir in the custard and vanilla essence.

Pour the mixture into a deep round 3 pt mould and chill until set, preferably overnight.

Cut the skin from the oranges & segment.

To unmould the dessert; dip[ the mould in a bowl of boiling water for 2-3 seconds.  Place an upturned serving plate on top of the bowl, quickly flip over and remove the mould.

Decorate with segments of orange and clusters of grapes.

No Counters:

You can make this a completely no count recipe by making the no count fresh custard.:

450ml skimmed milk
3 egg yolks
3 tbsp splenda
½ tsp vanilla essence

Beat the yolks, sweetener and essence in a bowl.  Warm the milk (not boiling).  Pour a little warm milk onto the eggs and whisk, gradually add the rest of the milk.  Now put the bowl onto a pan of boiling water....make sure the water is not touching the bottom of the bowl.
Whisk until the custard thickens.  Cool and use in the above recipe.

No Count Bread Pudding

No Count Bread Pudding

The basic recipe is:(serves 2)

5 Pogen Golden Krisprolls
300 ml of hot skimmed milk
1.5 dessertspoons of sweetner
1 tsp of cinammon
1 beaten egg

Put krisprolls in small lasagne dish, add sweetner, beaten egg, and cinnamon to the hot milk and pour over rolls. Leave to soak for 10 mins and then bake in oven at 180 for 20-30 mins until firm to touch. Leave for 5 mins before serving.

You can add any tinned/fresh fruit you choose. Works well with tinned peaches, stewed apple, sultanas (adding points), plum slices etc. Serve with muller light vanilla/toffee yogurt for a decadent stodgy NC pudding! 

Caribbean Pavlovas

Caribbean Pavlovas

No Count recipe

5 spray low-fat cooking spray, (five one-second sprays per serving)
4 egg whites
7 g Tate & Lyle Splenda low Calorie Sweetener Granular
1 teaspoon white wine vinegar
1 tablespoon water, boiling
1 medium pineapple, cubed
600 g Mango(s), without stone, 2 medium, cubed
1 medium papaya, whole fruit, cubed
2 tablespoon fresh mint, cut into thin strips (about 8 large leaves)
2 juice from 1/2 lime(s), one medium lime, cut in half, use juice from both halves

Preheat oven to Gas Mark ½/130°C/250°F. Very lightly coat 2 nonstick baking trays with cooking spray.

Whisk egg whites, splenda, vinegar and hot water together until soft, white peaks form, about 5 minutes.

Spoon egg white mixture onto prepared baking trays. Using the back of a spoon, spread out and smooth mixture into eight circles of about 15cm, no more than 2cm thick each. Cook for about one hour and ten minutes, until crisp. Allow to cool completely on wire rack. (Note: These are fragile - handle carefully.)

While pavlovas cook, make fruit topping. Combine pineapple, mango, papaya and mint in a large bowl. Squeeze juice of both lime halves over fruit mixture and gently stir fruit until ingredients are just combined. Allow fruit to sit and soften for 30 minutes.

When pavlovas are cool, gently place fruit filling on top of them. 

Ginger Cream Slice

Ginger Cream Slice

Serves 4

Points for the full recipe 12½ pts full choice    8½ pts no count

Per serving 3 pts full choice  2 pts no count

225 g total 0% greek yogurt  (2pts)
115 g Quark cheese (1pt)
6 tbsp orange juice (½pt)
2 tbsp Splenda
115g Fox's Ginger Snaps (8pts)
2 oranges cut into segments (1pt)

Beat the quark and yogurt together with the Splenda nad 2 tbsp of the orange juice.

Take the ginger snaps, dip them into the remaining orange juice and sandwich together with half of the cream mixture to make a log shape.

Cover the biscuits with the remaining cream and chill for 30 mins.

Serve with the orange segments

Spiced Coffee Custards

Spiced Coffee Custards

Points per serving 1½
Serves 8

For a special treat, top each with a dollop of reduced-fat creme fraiche and a chocolate-covered espresso bean.

3 teaspoon coffee, dissolved in 250ml boiling water
1 tablespoon coffee, instant granules
100 g caster sugar
2 large eggs
2 egg whites
1/4 teaspoon spice, allspice, ground
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon half-fat creme fraiche
425 ml skimmed milk

Preheat oven to Gas Mark 4/350°F/180°C. Arrange 10 custard cups or small ramekins ( approx. 100ml ( 4 fl oz ) ) in a large roasting pan.

In a small bowl, combine the made up coffee and coffee granules. In a large bowl, whisk sugar, eggs, egg whites, allspice and salt; stir in milk and coffee mixture. Transfer to a jug and pour mixture into custard cups.

Place roasting pan in the oven, pour enough boiling water into pan to come half way up the sides of the custard cups.

Bake until a knife inserted in centre of custards comes out clean, about 40 minutes. Remove from roasting pan and cool on a rack at room temperature; refrigerate, covered at least 4 hours. Serve with a dollop of creme fraiche if your Points allowance allows.

Creamy Lemon Pie

Creamy Lemon Pie

2½ pts per serving
Serves 10

10 ginger biscuits, reduced fat, about 100 g (31/2 oz) 
25 g polyunsaturated margarine, (1oz) low fat
405 g Sainsbury's Condensed Milk, Light Skimmed
1 large egg
1 egg white
finely grated zest and juice of 2 lemons
2 slice lemons

Preheat oven to Gas Mark 4 / 180ºC / 160ºC fan / 350ºF.

Grind the ginger biscuits in a food processor until fine, or place in a plastic bag and crush with a rolling pin. Transfer to a bowl.

Melt the butter in a pan or in the microwave, pour over the crumbs and mix together. Press into the base of a 23cm (9 in) cake tin or pie dish. Refrigerate until required.

Place condensed milk and eggs in a bowl and beat until smooth. Add the lemon zest and juice and stir well. The mixture will begin to thicken. Pour into the prepared crust.

Bake the pie for 15 minutes. Cool completely, and freeze for up to two weeks. For best flavour, serve chilled. Decorate with a slice of lemon before serving.


For a different citrus flavour use the zest and juice of 3 limes

Baileys Mousse

Baileys Mousse

Serves 6
3 pts per serving

60 g caster sugar, (2oz)
1 tablespoon water
1 medium egg(s), (separated)
2 medium egg yolk, (s)
4 tablespoon UDV Operations Ireland Ltd Baileys Irish Cream
3 tablespoon whipping cream
1/2 heaped teaspoon cocoa powder, (optional)

Reserve 1 tbsp caster sugar. Place the remaining sugar and water in a small heavy-based saucepan. Heat gently until the sugar dissolves, then boil rapidly for about 1 minute until the mixture is syrupy, but not caramelized.

Whisk the egg white in a grease-free bowl until stiff, then slowly add the sugar syrup, beating well to thoroughly combine.

Put the 3 egg yolks, remaining sugar and liqueur in a large heatproof bowl. Position the bowl over a saucepan of gently simmering water and whisk until thick and frothy. This will take at least 5 minutes. Whisk in the egg white mixture. Share between 6 glasses. Chill in the fridge.

Whisk the whipping cream until it holds its shape. Use to top the desserts, then serve at once, sprinkled with the cocoa powder (if using).

Make this another time using Tia Maria instead of Bailey’s.

Tipsy Fruit Trifles

Tipsy Fruit Trifles

Serves 4

4 pts per serving

60 g ready to eat dried apricots, chopped
30 g dried mango, chopped
30 g dried papaya, chopped
60 g raisins or sultanas
30 g glace cherries, rinsed and chopped
4 tbsp brandy or rum
8 sponge fingers (boudoir biscuits)
12 tbsp orange juice
300 g low fat plain natural yogurt
2 tsp unrefined light or dark muscovado sugar

Mis together the fruits and cherries, add the brandy and mix well.  Leave to soak for several hours or overnight.

Break up the sponge fingers into the base of 4 attractive serving dishes and spoon 3 tbsp orange juice over each.  Leave to soak for 2-3 mins.

Divide the soaked fruit between the glasses along with any remaining brandy or rum.  Spoon over the yogurt then sprinkle each with ½ tsp sugar, allowing a few moments for it to melt before serving.

Tip: use low fat fromage frais instead of yogurt if you want

Juicy Peach Meringues

Juicy Peach Meringues

Serves 4

Points per serving : 1

No Count/Core  ½pt per serving

4 fresh ripe peaches, halved and stoned
4 large strawberries, sliced
4 tsp cherry brandy or sherry
2 egg whites
30g caster sugar

Preheat oven to 190ºC/375ºF/Gas 5

Cut a tiny slice from the base of each peach half, so that they stand firmly and do not move when arranged on a baking sheet.  Pile the strawberry slices into the middle of the peach halves. Put 1 tsp cherry brandy into the middle of each one.

In a clean, greasefree bowl,  whisk the egg whites until they hold their shape, then whisk in the sugar until stiff and glossy.  Pile equal amouts onto the top of the peach halves.

Bake 5-6 mins until golden brown.  Serve at once

American Pie

American Pie

Serves 8

31½ pts per recipe
4 pts per serving

175g plain flour(7½ pts)
pinch salt
40g caster sugar (2pts)
90g polyunsaturated margarine (13pts)
1 egg yolk

800g pumpkin
3 eggs (5pts 4 eggs)
75g soft light brown sugar (4 pts)
½ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp ground ginger
¼ tsp grated nutmeg

Sift the flour, salt and sugar, rub in the margarine until it lookslike breadcrumbs.  Make a well in the middle and add the egg yolk and 1-2 tbsp water.  Mix to a smooth paste.  Wrap in greaseproof paper and chill for 30 mins.

Scoop out the seeds from the pumpkin, cur off the skin.  Roughly chop te flesh and place in a pan.  Just cover with water.  Bring to the boil, simmer 20-25 mins until soft.  Drain, cool and mash.

Preheat oven to 190ºC/375ºF/Gas 5.  Roll out the pastry and use to line a deep 18cm (7") loose-bottomed flan tin.  Line with greaseproof paper, fill with baking beans and bake for 10 mins,  Remove the paper and beans and bake for another 5 mins.

Beat the eggs lightly and add to the pumpkin puree with the remaining filling ingredients.  Pour into flan case and bake for 1 hour.

Plum Batter Cake

Plum Batter Cake

3 pts per serving
Serves 4

Slices of plum lightly cooked then baked in batter in small gratin dishes and served with a light fruit sauce.

6 medium plums, about 400g
250 ml apple juice
1 stick cinnamon
5 spray low-fat cooking spray
30 g self raising flour
30 g almonds, ground
10 g white sugar
10 g caster sugar
100 ml skimmed milk
50 g quark, low fat
1 medium eggs
1 teaspoon icing sugar, to dust

Heat the oven to 190°C/375°F/Gas Mark 5. Halve and stone the plums. Slice half in wedges and chop the rest. Heat a non-stick frying pan and when hot lay in the sliced plums in a single layer and pour over a third of the apple juice.

Cook on a high heat for about 3 minutes until the plums have softened and the juice has evaporated.

Spray some low fat spray into four small gratin dishes, about 120ml capacity (or use large ramekin dishes). Arrange the sliced plums on top.

Beat together the flour, almonds, 2 sugars, milk, quark and egg to a thick batter. Spoon over plums. Place the dishes on a flat metal tray and bake for 15-20 minutes until risen and golden brown.

Meanwhile, put the chopped plums into a small saucepan with the remaining juice and cinnamon stick. Bring to the boil, and then simmer until soft, about 10 minutes. Remove the cinnamon stick and blend the plums and juice to a sauce. Cool and pour into a small jug. Serve the plum puddings dusted with icing sugar and serve the sauce separately.

Pretzel Pancakes

Pretzel Pancakes

2 pts per serving
Serves 4

Serve with fruit and fromage frais for a delicious low fat pancake treat.

3 heaped teaspoon white sugar
½ large bag Penn State Organics 95% Fat Free Salted Pretzels, crushed
350 ml skimmed milk
2 teaspoon baking powder
2 medium eggs, lightly beaten

Preheat the frying pan and grease lightly.

Combine pretzels, baking powder and sugar. Beat eggs with milk. Blend together pretzel and milk mixture until thin enough to pour.

Drop batter into pan to form pancakes about 4 inches in diameter and cook over a low heat until bubbles form around the edges and the underside is brown. Turn and brown the other side.

Creamy Baileys Caramel Cheesecake

Creamy Baileys Caramel Cheesecake

A Slimming World recipe

Serves 10

22 pts the whole recipe
2 pts per serving

10 Fox's ginger crinkle crunch biscuits
3 medium egg whites
4 tsp powdered gelatine
450 g quark cheese
500g pot very low fat plain fromage frais
4 level tbsp baileys irish cream liqueur (60ml)
3-4 tbsp granulated sweetener
2 level tbsp caster sugar

Prehat oven to 190ºC/375ºF/Gas 5.

Grease & line an 8"/20cm spring clip cake tin.

Place the biscuits into a plastic bag and crush them with a rolling pin.  In a bowl lightly beat 1 egg white, add the biscuits and mix.  press the mixture evely into the base of the cake tin.  Bake 15 mins until firm and golden.  Leave to cool.

Dissolve the gelatine in 4 tbsp boiling water.  Mix the quark with the fromage frias, liqueur and sweetener.  Whisk the other 2 egg whites until stiff.  Whisk the slightly cooled gelatine into the quark and then gently fold the egg whites into the quark mixture.  Pile on top of the biscuit base, smooth the top and chill for at least 3 hours until set.

Release the cheesecake from the tin and transfer to serving plates.

In a pan, gently heat the sugar with 1 tbsp water,s tirring until melted.  Raise the heat and boil without stirring for 3-4 mins until golden.  Drizzle over each slice and serve immediately.

Note: The elderly, babies and pregnant women are advised not to eat raw eggs.

Could make this with your favourite liqueur instead of Baileys.  eg Tia Maria, Cointreau   etc

Chocolate souffle with mango sauce

Chocolate souffle with mango sauce

Serves 4
2.5 points/serving

low fat cooking spray
3 tbsp cocoa powder, sifted
40g caster sugar
4 medium egg whites
400g can mango chunks in juice
icing sugar, to dust

Preheat oven to 190*c.  Spray 4 ramekin dishes with low fat cooking spray.

Place cocoa, half the sugar and 4 tbsp water in a saucepan and heat, stirring, until combined.  Whisk the egg whites until stiff and then gradually whisk in the rest of the sugar.  Gently fold this into the chocolate  mixture.

Spoon into ramekin dishes being careful not to knock out any air, and put them straight into the oven for 12 minutes, or until risen but slightly wobbly when touched.

Meanwhile, make the mango sauce by pureeing the canned mango chunks and their juice until smooth.  Spoon around the edge of 4 serving plates and when the souffles are ready, put them in the middle of the plate, dust with icing sugar and serve immediately.

Crepes Suzette

Crepes Suzette
Serves 2
4 points/serving

for the crepes
50g plain flour
pinch of salt
150ml skimmed milk
1 medium egg
low fat cooking spray

for the sauce
juice and zest of 1 orange
1tsp caster sugar
15g polyunsaturated margarine
1tbsp orange liqueur or brandy

Sift flour and salt into bowl.  Add half the milk and the egg and beat well until smooth.  Stir in rest of milk and leave to stand for 15 minutes before cooking.

Heat a small non-stick frying pan and spray with low fat cooking spray then ladle in enough pancake batter to just cover the base of the pan when you swirl it around.  Fry until golden on the underside then flip over and cook the other side.  Slide out of pan onto a plate and keep warm while you cook the rest of the crepes.

To make the sauce, heat the orange juice, zest and sugar in the frying pan, stirring, until the sugar is dissolved, then add the margarine and whisk.  Fold the pancakes into quarters and add to the pan one by one turning in the sauce and then pushing to one side to fit the next one in.  Just before serving, add the liqueur and ignite.

Sweet Potato Puffs

Sweet Potato Puffs

1.5 points each (makes 10)

2 lb sweet potatoes
80 ml orange juice
1 large egg
1 serving(s) orange peel
1/2 g nutmeg
30 g  Pecans

Peel and cut sweet potatoes into 1 inch pieces. Place the potatoes in saucepan and add enough water to cover, bring to a boil over a medium heat. Cook 10 to 15 mins until tender.
Drain potatoes and place in a large bowl and mash until smooth.
Add the rest of the ingredients except chopped pecans and mix well. Preheat oven to 180.

Spray baking sheet with frylight. Spoon mix into 10 mounds. Sprinkle chopped pecans on top. Bake for 30 minutes.

Bailey's Apple Cream Pudding

Bailey's Apple Cream Pudding

A tot of Irish cream liqueur gives these quick apple desserts a wonderful flavour.

Serves: 4
Points per serving: 3

700g  (1lb 9oz) cooking apples, peeled, cored, and chopped
50g (1 3/4oz) light muscovado sugar
2 x 150 pots 0% fat Greek yogurt
2 tblsp Bailey's Irish Cream Liqueur
1 red eating apple cored and thinly sliced
2 ginger nut biscuits

Put the apples into a saucepan with 4 tblspns of water, and the sugar and cook over a low het until soft and pulpy. Leave until completely cold.

Spoon the apples into four glasses with the yogurt. Add the 1/2 tblspn of Bailey's Liqueur to each glass. finish off each dessert with slices of red apple and a few biscuit crumbs to give them a bit more crunch.

Top Tip: If you're not srving the desserts immediately, dip the apple slices in lemon juice to prevent them from browning - or decorate at the last moment

Oat Pancakes

Oat Pancakes

Core recipe

45 g porridge oats
1 egg
1/4 pint milk
pinch salt or teaspoon sweetener

Mix oats with milk and microwave on high for 30 seconds

Beat egg and mix into oats-milk and stir in sweetener

Mist frying pan with frylight and heat

Pour in approx 1/3 of batter

Cook until underside golden brown/bubbles start to come through pancake (experiment a bit) 

Spray top surface with a bit more frylight and then flip over.

Cook other side

Repeat to make 3 pancakes

They're a bit thicker than those made with flour but very satisfying because of the oats. They are thin enough to be folded though.

Oat Pancakes

Recipe by TobiasJP

Time needed: Best if oats are soaked overnight. 10 Hours. 
Calories per serving: 250 
Servings: 4 

A tasty treat for breakfast either on their own or with a slice of Bacon.

187gms Oats 
300ml Full Fat Milk
1 Egg
½ tsp Salt
½ tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
Coconut Oil / Butter or Ground Nut Oil for frying

Soak the oats and salt in milk overnight in a covered bowl in the fridge.
Add egg and bicarbonate of soda and mix.
Heat oil/butter into frying pan and when hot spoon pancake mix into pan.
When the top of the pancakes bubble, turn over and allow to brown on other side. 

Oat pancake

Servings | 1
No Count

POINTS® value per serving | 3.5 (fullchoice)

30 g oats
125 ml skimmed milk
1 medium egg(s)
1/2 teaspoon(s) cinnamon
1/2 tablespoon(s) artificial sweetener

1. soak oats in milk and put 30 sec in the microwave,
2.add the egg and beat into a dough,
3.spray frying pan with no calorie spray 4. pour in to pan about a cupful at a time and cook as pancakes (the thinner they are the better they cook) .
5. then sprinkle cinnamon and sweetener and enjoy .

Tip: I used my hand blender to mix as otherwise they are quite lumpy I can manage to get 3 thin panckaes or 2 fat ones out of this mixture. Enjoy!!


Serves 2

Pro Points Plan - 4pp per serving

F&H Plan - 0pp per serving


30g Porridge Oats or Oat Bran

5 heaped tbsps  Fat Free Natural Yogurt

3 tbsp Granulated Sweetener

2 Medium eggs or 1 large

Frylight Better Than Butter

These are similar to American style stacking pancakes rather than crepes.

Mix the porridge oats, sweetener and yogurt together and leave over night in the fridge. Mix in 2 beaten eggs, give it a really good mix through. Spray non stick pan with fry light then place a metal cookie cutting ring in the pan then pour enough mixture to cover the bottom of the ring, Wait for the base to harden and remove cookie cutter, and repeat, turning when each pancake is browned on the bottom, this made 6 pancakes but that depends on the size of the cookie cutter you have. I served mine with a sliced banana and some F&H jam. You could always add your F&H jam to the mix before refrigerating and have flavoured pancakes. These are a really filling breakfast. 

Quick Peach Ice Cream

Quick Peach Ice Cream

2½ points per serving
Serves 4

Best when freshly made.

415 g peaches, in juice
2 teaspoon honey, runny
360 g low-fat plain fromage frais

In a shallow, freezerproof container, freeze the peaches with their juice until almost solid.

Tip the frozen peaches into a food processor and whiz very briefly. Add the honey and fromage frais and whiz again, until just smooth but still ice cold.

Serve at once or freeze until required but make sure you remove it from the freezer 

Ginger Ice Cream

Ginger Ice Cream

Points per serving 2½
Serves 8

410 ml evaporated milk
2 teaspoon vanilla essence
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
2 tablespoon muscavado sugar
2 level tablespoon syrup, from a jar of stem ginger
50 g ginger, stem, chopped
8 sprig fresh mint, to decorate

Pour evaporated milk into a large bowl. Add vanilla extract, nutmeg and sugar. Whisk with hand-held electric beaters until thick and foamy, until mixture is roughly three times original volume.

Tip mixture into a rigid freezer container and freeze until almost frozen. Remove from the freezer for 10 minutes so that ice cream softens slightly, then mix in ginger and ginger syrup.

Freeze until firm. Serve, decorated with mint leaves.

Pancakes with Nutella and Banana

Pancakes with Nutella and Banana

4 pts per serving
Serves 4

125 g flour, sifted,
1 medium egg
300 ml skimmed milk
5 spray low-fat cooking spray

for the filling;
8 teaspoon Ferrero Nutella
2 medium bananas, peeled and sliced thinly

To make the pancakes, place the flour in a bowl and make a well in the centre. Crack the egg into the well and stir, gradually drawing in the flour. When the mixture is thick, add the milk a little at a time until you have a smooth batter – sieve the mixture if there are any lumps.

Spray a small non-stick pan with low fat cooking spray and heat until hot. Add a tbsp of batter and swirl to the edges of the pan. Cook over a medium heat for 1-2 mins until set and beginning to brown on the underside (lift the edge of the pancake to check). Flip and cook for a further 1 minute until brown. Remove from the pan, keep warm and repeat to make 8 pancakes.

Spread half of each pancake with a tsp of nutella, scatter over a few slices of banana, fold in half and serve 2 per person.

Core Steamed Pudding.

Core Steamed Pudding.

From The WW boards:

By janwisteria

Serves - 4 small appetites or 2 piggies!!!!!

Plain - about 2 pts allowing for the stuff in the bottom.
Chocolate - about 3 pts including the chocolate sauce
Coffee - free including sauce

1 banana
1 tbsp extra light philadelphia cheese
drop of vanilla essence
4tbsp splenda
3 oz of semolina
pinch of salt
1 heaped teaspoon of baking powder
2tbsp milk

low cal Jam or lemon curd or honey (approx 2 points) or golden syrup (1 point) – for the bottom of the bowl – point as necessary (about 2 tbsp's should be enough)
(you could use NC Jam to make this totally free of course)

Or sultana's – about 2 oz (add this to mix) (2 points)

(variations – a) omit 1oz of semolina and replace with cocoa powder - (2 points) - omit vanilla essence
b) add tsp of instant coffee to 2 tsp of boiling water and mix in with milk in recipe – omit vanilla essence)

If you did the chocolate/coffee version you could use elf mixed with splenda and some cocoa powder/coffee for a sauce for the bottom of the bowl.

Mash Banana with the elf and egg.
Add vanilla essence and stir in
Add splenda and stir in
Add semolina, salt and baking powder and stir
Add milk a tbsp at a time. Mixtures should be sloppy but not overly sloppy a bit like thick custard.
Spray a pint bowl with frylite
Put in the bottom of your mix some jam or honey or whatever the pour the mixture over the top. LOOSELY cover with cling film (best to put a soft fold in it to allow the mixture to expand – plus put a hole in it or it would implode!)
Cook in microwave of full power for about 3mins 30 secs or slightly less if you have a high wattage of oven.
Leave it to stand for 2 mins and then turn out.

NOT strictly core due the density issue, so make your own choice.

Yogurt Pancakes

Yogurt Pancakes

Serves 2
3½ pts per serving

60g (2oz) plain flour
150g (5.5oz) fat free plain natural yogurt
1 beaten egg
2 tbsp of skimmed milk

Whisk the egg in a bowl with the natural yogurt.
Sift over the flour and whisk until smooth thick batter.
Rest for 10 mins.

Heat a non stick frying pan.

Dry fry spoon fulls of the batter for 3 mins on each side.

Serve the pancakes hot with your choice of topping!


Dont be scared that the batter is very thick - that is how it is supposed to be!
This batter allows for 8 pancakes - thats four each!!!!
These are great served with honey and fresh fruit!
These pancakes can be cooked and frozen!

Creamy Rice Pudding with Apple and Dates

Creamy Rice Pudding with Apple and Dates

Serves 6 
Points per serving 3

850ml ( 1 1/2 pints) skimmed milk
150g (5 1/2oz) long grain rice
2 tablespoons sugar
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 apple, chopped
60g (2 1/2oz) pitted dates, chopped

Combine the milk, rice and sugar in a large saucepan.

Bring the rice to the boil over a medium high heat, reduce the heat to medium and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the rice is tender - about 25 minutes.

Remove a third of the rice mixture and mix with the egg. Return to the saucepan and add the vanilla essence, apple and dates. Heat through. If the pudding is too thick, add some extra milk. Serve warm.

Brambly Apple Crumbles

Brambly Apple Crumbles

Serves 4

Points per serving 5

480g baking apples, cored & sliced
120g blackberries
50g muscovado sugar
40g polyunsaturated margerine
90g no sugar muesli
30g marzipan, grated
8 tbsp low fat plain yogurt

Preheat oven to Gas 5/190ºC/375ºF

Mic apples and blackberries with half the sugar and divide between 4 individual dishes or one large one.  Bake 5 mins.

Melt the margerine, remove from the heat and stir in the muesli, remaining sugar and marzipan.  Remove baking dishes from oven, sprinkle topping over in an even layer.

Return to oven and bake for 15 mins until apples are tneder and topping is crunchy and golden.

Serve with 2 tbsp yogurt.

Note: If you want to leave the marzipan out deduct ½ pt per serving.

Banana Sultana Syrup Puddings

Banana Sultana Syrup Puddings

Serves 4

Points per serving 5

40g polyunsaturated margarine
40g muscovado sugar
1 large egg, beaten
1 tsp vanilla extract
40g self raising flour
1 medium banana
30g sultanas
1 tbsp skimmed milk
2 tbsp golden syrup
1 x 150g ready to serve, low fat custard

Use a tiny amount of the margarine to grease 4 ramekins or small pudding basins.  Heat oven Gas 4/180ºC

Beat the remaining margarine with the sugar until light and lfuffy.  Beat in the egg, a little at a time then add the vanilla extract.  Fold in the flour with a metal spoon.  Mash the banana and stir into the mixture with the sultanas and milk.

Put half tbsp golden syrup into the bottom of each ramekin and divide the creamed mixture between them.  Stand the dishes in a roasting pan and pour in enough warm water to come half way up the sides of the dishes.

Bake 25-30 mins until risen and golden.  Turn out and serve with a little custard.

Eat in Your Fingers Jello

Eat in Your Fingers Jello

From the kitchen of MUDMOUSE on the Canadian WW site

2 packages sugar free jello (you pick the flavour)
2 cups water
3 envelopes unflavoured gelatin
1 cup cold water
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3 second spray PAM (or frylight)

Dissolve jell-o (any flavour) in 2 cups of boiling water. Make sure it is totally dissolved.

Dissolve 3 envelopes of unflavoured gelatin in 1 cup of cold water. It gets really thick, but make sure it is dissolved.

Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.

Mix everything together

Spray a 9 X 13 pan and pour mixture into the pan.

When it is hard, you can cut it in squares or shapes and eat with your fingers!

Special Notes

I know it sounds bizzare. Kids love it, and actually so do the adults that like jell-o. Give it a try - go ahead - you know you want to...

Pineapple Candy

Pineapple Candy


1 can juice-packed crushed pineapple, chilled
4 envelopes unflavored gelatin
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Sugar substitute to equal 10 teaspoons sugar (5 packets)

Drain pineapple juice into a saucepan; sprinkle gelatine on top of pineapple juice in pan. 

Add half the crushed pineapple to the saucepan, and allow the gelatin to soften about one minute. Then heat gently, until gelatin granules melt.

Remove from heat and stir in lemon juice and low calorie sweetener, stir
until dissolved. Mix in remaining pineapple until thoroughly blended.

Spread the mixture in an 8-inch-square nonstick cake pan and chill until firm
enough to slice. Cut into 1-inch squares; keep refrigerated. About 10 calories per 1 inch square.

Double Chocolate Cheesecake

Double Chocolate Cheesecake
Serves 8
5 pts per serving

50 g butter
6 portion low-fat digestives, crushed
1 sachet gelatine, (powdered), use 1 1/2 tbsp
100 ml water, (just-boiled)
300 g low-fat soft cheese
300 g very low-fat plain yogurt
2 teaspoon vanilla essence
4 tablespoon artificial sweetener, powdered
2 heaped teaspoon cocoa powder,

To decorate:
75 g chocolate, white, broken into pieces
1 heaped teaspoon cocoa powder

Line a 20cm (8 inch) non-stick loose-based cake tin with non-stick baking parchment or greaseproof paper.

Melt the butter over a low heat and stir in the biscuit crumbs. Tip them into the cake tin, pressing them evenly over the base. Chill for about 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, sprinkle the gelatine into a small jug containing the just-boiled water, stirring well. Allow to dissolve for 4-5 minutes to give a clear liquid.

In a large bowl, beat the cheese to soften it, then mix in the yogurt, vanilla and chocolate extracts and sweetener. Dissolve the cocoa powder in 2-3 tbsp hot water, stirring until smooth. Add to the cheese mixture. Taste the mixture, adding more powdered sweetener if needed.

Stir the cooled gelatine liquid into the cheese mixture, making sure that it is thoroughly incorporated. Tip the mixture over the biscuit base and leave to set for about 2 hours.

When ready to serve, carefully remove the cheesecake from the tin and peel away the lining paper. To decorate, melt the white chocolate in a heatproof bowl, positioned over a pan of simmering water. Fill a spoon with the melted chocolate and drizzle it over the surface of the set cheesecake. Cut into slices, then serve, sprinkled with cocoa powder.

If the gelatine sets before you add it to the cheese mixture, melt it by putting the jug into a saucepan of hot water, though you must make sure that the gelatine liquid is quite cool before you add it to the mixture.

If you can get hold of Chocolate Extract, you can add 2 tsp as well as the vanilla essence

French Toast with Strawberries and Bananas and Honey Drizzle

French Toast with Strawberries and Bananas and Honey Drizzle
Serves 4
3 pts per serving

1 medium eggs
150 ml skimmed milk, (1/4 pint)
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
4 medium slice bread, crusts removed
5 spray low-fat cooking spray
2 medium bananas
225 g strawberries, (8oz), stalks removed
2 teaspoon icing sugar
4 teaspoon honey, clear
In a shallow bowl, beat together the egg, milk and vanilla essence.

Cut the slices of bread into triangles, then dip them in the egg and milk mixture, leaving them to soak for a few moments, so that the liquid is absorbed.

Heat a large frying pan and spray with low fat cooking spray. Add the soaked bread triangles and cook on both sides until browned. Transfer to four warmed plates.

Slice the bananas and strawberries over each portion. Sprinkle with the icing sugar and drizzle one teaspoon of honey over each portion. Serve at once.

A combination of raspberries, strawberries and blueberries tastes delicious too. Use 100g (3 ½oz) of each.

Key Lime Pie

Key Lime Pie

Serves 8
4 pts per serving

25 g very low-fat spread, melted
100 g digestive biscuits, reduced fat, crushed
2 sachets gelatine, 10g each
400 ml skimmed sweetened condensed milk
6 teaspoons icing sugar, sifted
juice of two limes
zest from 3 limes)
1 tablespoon half-fat creme fraiche, (optional, to serve)

Mix together the melted low fat spread, digestive biscuits and 1 tbsp water. Press into the base of a spring form 20cm (8in) round tin.

Sprinkle the gelatine on to 3 tbsp hot water and stir to dissolve, or follow instructions on the pack.

Reserving 1 tsp grated zest for decoration, in a large bowl whisk together the condensed milk, remaining lime zest, juice and icing sugar until frothy. Add the dissolved gelatine and whisk until slightly thickened.

Pour into the tin and chill for at least 2 hours or until set. Cut into 8 slices and serve decorated with crème fraiche (if using) and the reserved lime zest.

Baby Bread and Butter Puds

Baby Bread and Butter Puds

Serves 4

4½ pts per serving

6 medium slices bread, (white), crusts removed
4 teaspoons very low-fat spread
1 spraylow-fat cooking spray, low-fat
1 tablespoon candied mixed peel, (mixed) optional
50 g sultanas, or raisins
1 grated zest of 1 lemon or orange
500 ml skimmed milk
3 tablespoons light brown sugar
2 medium egg

Using scone cutters, cut twelve discs out of the bread just to fit inside 4 medium-sized ramekins. Spread the bread lightly with the low-fat spread.

Spray the insides of the ramekins with the cooking spray. Mix the peel, if using, with the sultanas and the grated zest. Place a bread disc in the bottom of each ramekin, divide the fruit mixture evenly among the ramekins, repeat and top with a bread disc with the low-fat spread side facing up.

Bring the milk to the boil with the soft brown sugar, stirring until dissolved. Remove and cool for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, beat the eggs in a heatproof bowl. Add the sweet milk to the eggs and beat well. Slowly pour the mixture over the filled ramekins and down the insides.

Leave for about half an hour to allow the liquid to sink into the bread. Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 5/190°C/375°F. Stand the ramekins in a small roasting pan filled with hot water which comes two-thirds of the way up the dishes.

Bake for about 20-30 minutes or until risen and golden and crisp on top. Stand for 5 minutes before serving.

Warm Pear Cobbler

Warm Pear Cobbler

Serves 4

3 pts per serving

4 medium pear, peeled, cored and sliced thinly
3 1/2 tablespoon(s) sugar, light brown
25 g plain flour
2 teaspoon(s) lemon juice
1 tablespoon(s) margarine, hard, low fat
1/4 teaspoon(s) spices, (ground cinnamon)
25 g self raising flour, (wholemeal)
125 ml buttermilk

Preheat oven to Gas Mark 4/180C/350ºF. Coat a 20cm (8in) square baking tin with cooking spray.

Place the pears, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, 2 teaspoons of flour, lemon juice and cinnamon in a large bowl; toss to coat and pour into the prepared baking dish.

In a medium bowl, combine the remaining flours and brown sugar. Add the margarine and rub in using finger tips until the mixture resembles bread crumbs. Stir in the buttermilk until the mixture is smooth.

Drop four heaped spoonfuls of dough onto the pear mixture. Cook for 35-40 minutes until the crust is risen and golden brown. Divide between 4 dishes and serve

Berry Hearts

Berry Hearts

Serves 2

3 pts per serving

2oz (60g) curd cheese
125 g carton virtually fat free strawberry yoghurt
few drops of vanilla essence
¼ teaspoon lemon juice
¼ pint (150ml) skimmed milk
½ teaspoon gelatine
5 oz (150g) strawberries
½ teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon cornflour juice of ½ a medium orange
½ tablespoon low-fat natural yoghurt

Mix the curd cheese together with the strawberry yoghurt. Add the vanilla and lemon juice

Place 3 tablespoons milk in a cup or small basin, sprinkle in the gelatine and stand in a saucepan of simmering water until the gelatine has dissolved

Stir the remaining milk into the curd cheese mixture

Rinse two 4 fl oz (120ml) heart shaped moulds under running cold water and set aside - if you don't have heart shaped moulds use any moulds that will hold the same quantity

Stir the dissolved gelatine into the curd cheese mixture then spoon into the damp moulds. Chill until set

Mash the strawberries then push through a sieve to remove all the tiny seeds

Place the sugar and cornflour in a small bowl

Gradually blend the orange juice and strawberry puree into the cornflour mixture. Pour the puree into a small saucepan and bring to the boil stirring all the time, boil for 1 to 2 minutes

Pour the strawberry sauce onto two plates and leave until cool

Dip the moulds into hot water then invert onto each serving plate. Swirl the yoghurt in the sauce. Serve chilled

Magic Semolina

Magic Semolina

Posted on UK boards from a member in Germany

(this would be the German name of this recipe translated into English)

Core recipe

Makes 1 portion

250 ml skimmed milk
2 Tablespoons of Semolina
half a teaspoon of baking powder
pinch of salt
flavour (vanilla, almond, chocolate) plus sweetener to taste

You need to make this in a high container or transfer to a high container after cooking!

Bring milk to boil, stir in semolina and leave to well for 3-4 minutes on low heat for it to thicken a bit. Put sweetener and flavour in.

Remove from stove and mix in the baking powder.

Put whole container with mixture in it into cold water bath and now using an electric whisking machine (not a single arm one, but an electric hand-mixer with two small whisking things; do not know English name for machine, sorry) whisk on highest level for at least 5 minutes, move whisking arms up and down to put lots of air in. The pudding now slowly cools down whilst being mixed and should expand to double its original size. It should end as a fluffy foam like mass.

This sound complicated but only because I probably didn't explain it well enough.
It is one of the most popular recipes on the German WW message boards!

Berry Trifles

Berry Trifles

Great for Christmas, or any other time for that matter!

Serves 6

Points plan 9 pts per recipe 1½ pts per serving
Core plan 4½ pts per recipe

The recipe states to use six glasses, but you could make one large trifle and serve into six portions

150ml strong coffee, cooled
200g Quark (2pts)
200g virtually fat free fromage frais (1½pts)
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp granulated sweetner
12 sponge fingers (3½pts)
200g frozen raspberries, thawed (1pt)
2 tsp cocoa powder (1pt)
mint leaves, to decorate

Put cooled coffee into shallow bowl.  In anotehr bowl, beat together Quark, fromage frais and vanilla extract.  Add granulated sweetner and stir well to mix.  Dip sponge fingers briefly into coffee, layering half of them in six glasses as you go.  Top with half the Quark mixture, then a layer of raspberries.  Add another layer of sponge fingers and top with remaining Quark mixture.  Cover and chill trifles until read to serve, sprinkled with cocoa powder and decorated with mint leaves.

Basic Free ice cream

Basic Free ice cream

2 x 200g pots of Mullerlight yogurt
1 x 500g pot very low fat natural fromage frais
Artificial sweetener, to taste

It’s so simple! Stir the yogurts and fromage frais together, sweeten to taste and pop in a freezer-proof tub. Place in the freezer and lightly whip approximately every 30 minutes to break down any ice crystals that are forming. Because all the ingredients are Free, it doesn’’t matter how often you lick the spoon! Your ice cream should be ready in a couple of hours (if there's any left!)

There are no end of flavours you can make using this simple ice cream recipes :

tremendous toffee and vanilla flavour - made with 1 Toffee and 1 Vanilla Müllerlight yogurt, swirled together before popping into the freezer

chocolate heaven –– use a couple of chocolate flavoured yogurts. If you fancy adding a crunch, what about adding a mini bag of (crushed) Maltesers? The whole dessert is a delicious 2pts!

fruity peach melba –– using a peach and pineapple or peach and maracuya yogurt and a raspberry and cranberry yogurt. Fresh chopped peach and a handful of fresh or frozen raspberries make this simple ice cream into a fabulous dessert!

hokey pokey –– use two vanilla yogurts, add a tablespoon of runny honey (1pt)and serve with a fun-size crunchie bar (1½pts) crumbled on top! !

Thanks to Slimming World for this recipe!!!

Turkish Jelly

Turkish Jelly

Core 1 pt the whole thing
Points plan 2½ pts the whole thing

Make up 1/2 pint Strawberry Jelly
Add Turkish delight options (in powder form) (1pt)
Mix well
Cool for approx 10 mins
Add Strawberry Mullerlight (1½pts)

Leave in fridge to set

Baked Pumpkin Cheesecake

Baked Pumpkin Cheesecake

Core recipe

1lb cooked pumpkin flesh drained well
3 eggs
2tsp mixed spice
1 tub quark
1tsp cinnimon
sweetener to taste

Blend all ingredients in a food processor and pour into a dish.
Bake for 30 mins at gas mark 6

Note: if your pumpkin flesh is not drained well the mix may be quite wet and sloppy so this time may not be enough to set cheesecake. Turn down oven to 4, leave another 30-45 mins if by this time still does not look cooked turn off oven and leave it by the time it has cooled it will be fine.

If you want to make it more like a cheesecake  use some crushed digestive biscuits as a base but do not forget to add the points for these or use crushed weetabix.